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RE: Social Norm Pressured Sharing vs. Voluntary Sharing

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

Indeed, mess with free will and people don't like it, whether they were engaging in moral actions or not lol. Many (or everyone) don't want consequences to be brought on them for their immoral actions. They just want to be allowed to continue along with their life lol.

Yes, its multilayered motivations for choices, they are not mutually exclusive, which is the why I counter the usual claim that we are or "need" to act selfishly always, or four whatever we want for our self-interest, regardless of others. Most people don't think that way, so the polarity to an absolute selfish behavior is not usually though of as most of us recognize the reality of our cooperation reciprocal interchange for survival optimization, even if only intuitively it factors into unconscious processing of information feedback to the conscious mind.