
in #psychology7 years ago


I am not going to claim that I know what goes on in the cellars of the dreaded Government. Nobody does. Heck, not even the Government knows what the Government does. That's how "good" they are.

Sure, everyone is trying to screw everyone over in this jungle 2.0 we call society. Nonetheless, before we jump into conclusions and get into an upper hypochondriac/paranoid mode, we have to at least give ourselves a chance and rationalize the thoughts flying through our skull.

"They manipulate evidence"

How come when one brings something as evidence they are corrupted but your evidence are impartial and free from any monetary influence? How come all those conspiracy youtube videos don't care about money and manipulating the human perception but the ones you are opposing are evil aimed to take advantage of you? Aren't all of us "in it to make money" after all?

"I know the truth they have been hiding"

Sure man. You are they Paladin Master of google searching. Your special interest keywords for tracking biased blogs are unparalleled to any other. Here is a question though. How come the Government (that based on your perception controls everything), failed to block X's blog? How X got hold of that information if the government is so freaking good at hiding information? Why are you so special?

"They are poisoning us so they can control us"

My question is not if they are spraying us or injecting us. The real question is why. Don't they breath the same air as us? Don't they eat food from the same fields? Also, if they are really mind controlling people with substances then how did you manage to escape from their grip? Aren't the alternative medicine hippies in it for the money as well? Why that kind of knowledge is good, impure and healthy but any corporate one is evil?

"You can't prove it is not possible"

That's like the trump card. Nobody can prove a negative. I can't prove there are no invisible pink flying elephants hiding behind the moon orchestrating a planetary take over. If you can't get passed Hitchen's logic then don't even think about making the assumption. It is pointless and intellectually retarded.

Real conspiracies do happen. No doubt. The story with Snowden and NSA was rather an eye-opener. Nonetheless, due to the rare occurrences of these incidents people tend to follow an over-generalized attitude for every little thing that is our of their reach. Suddenly everything becomes dangerous, a conspiracy to get away from. Anxiety takes over. You try to hide from everyone and everything.

Correlation is not Causation

Just because we are able to connect the dots and find a correlation, it does not mean that everything has a causative explanation. Shit happens and the reason is simply because of entropy — not because someone is holding the strings. Our brains are not built to be logical but instinctual. If something in a bush makes a sound we are more likely to perceive it as a threat. We keep our guard up rather than assume it is the wind or something else inanimate. This is how helpless we are.

Your fear is a commodity

Individuals will use and abuse your fears to make you take stupid decisions for their own benefit. I witness this on Steemit on a daily basis. Whether the subject is vaccines, the government, the FED or anything else in between, the Tinfoil Vigilante crew will magnetize your decisions towards what they are selling. It is the easiest way to make money. Fear sells like no other thing due to instinctual response for self preservation. And Thank Dog for them, sheeple are abundant.

Conspiracy theorists are fearful individuals and for a good reason. The world is a scary place and one has to keep their guard up if they are to maintain an edge on things. Nonetheless, much like our immune system, our brain's threat detector can't be "ON" all the time. The mechanism gets trigger happy and us a result it ends up treating everything as a threat — including itself.


That's it confirmed then. @kyriacos is an illuminati, zionist reptilian shapeshifter sent to infiltrate Steemit and report back to his Bilderberg buddies

I knew it! :0

Holy crap is that funny.

First laugh of the day;)

Did you even read the post. It does not even mention your pet event.

You might want to sit down and ask yourself why you have this burning need to share your theories in completely unrelated places?

Did you even read the post?

Yes I did - did you?

This is what he wrote:

Whether the subject is vaccines, the government, the FED or anything else in between.

He mentioned the government, not me!

Furthermore, everything in-between would include 9/11 - I would have thought?

You know about 9/11 I presume? It was the basis for the never-ending **War on Terror" and the death and displacement of tens of millions of people!

Don't question your government, the CDC, the Fed or the 9/11 Commission - if you do you are wearing a tin-foil hat - got it!

He is recycling the same old message that he was peddling 9 months ago.

For the record, I stopped following this channel. Occasionally people that I follow resteem his content and I choose to comment. I am doing my best to unfollow them also.

All the best!

Question everything! Especially your own moments of illumination and insight!

Ok, so there was a thin sliver that could possibly be taken as an invitation to share your evidence.

I doubt that the government's story about what happened that day is in any way complete, but I doubt the other versions even more.

Asking questions is good, but I find that once people have rejected the official story, they tend to seize on the first story that comes along after that.

Also, I think that the causes for the "War on Terror" run a lot deeper than a single event, no matter how tragic. If it was not that, it would have been something else that was the direct cause.

I doubt that the government's story about what happened that day is in any way complete, but I doubt the other versions even more.

Please watch the video that I posted - you might change your mind - try to debunk it and answer the 50 questions - millions have seen it yet not one person has ever debunked it - be my guest.

Asking questions is good, but I find that once people have rejected the official story, they tend to seize on the first story that comes along after that.

That is an assumption, and a broad-stroke of a brush. You are labelling every person as being the same when it is obvious that we are not all the same.

Also, I think that the causes for the "War on Terror" run a lot deeper than a single event.

They most certainly do, they date back thousands of years but I generally find that this depth of information is a little too much for most people to digest in one sitting.

I would encourage you to try the appetizer (my video) before we proceed to the next course.

I am not going to watch the video... I honestly do not care about events that happened in a country that I have no relationship with 16 years ago.

Also, I find videos to be the worst way to consume information critically.

I am not going to watch the video

Of course you won't - you will continue to bury your head in the sand, make excuses and label people that have done their homework as conspiracy theorists.

oh dear...

Steemit needs more of this.

and steemit will get more :)

Conspiracy theorists often speak of "evidence", but I have always had the impression they are just looking for something to believe. Generalising grossly, specially Americans like to believe, but no groups seem to be immune to this.

Now that Christianity isn't all that big anymore in many Western countries, it almost seems conspiracy theories have taken over as beliefs for rallying groups around, like it is hard to live without some belief at all.

Governments will use this to create beliefs around common enemies to unite the population and focus away from real problems. That's not too bad, though, as most governments are not very competent. Still, it seems the USA will invent a new common enemy every time the old enemy has disappeared or isn't believed in anymore, and people will merrily continue believing outsiders are conspiring against them. Very interesting to observe.

This is very much true. It applies in everything really. Groups in an attempt to distinguish themselves distort facts to suit their narratives.

Even "skeptics".

They belive in "youtube method" - If something is on the youtube it must be the truth.

The key question here is "Why are you so special?" :D

Interesting take on conspiracies, I always say question everything the government tells you these days. Hell, conspiracies may actually help hide the nefarious doings in plain sight.

The Identification of "Conspiracy Theorist" has been twisted over the years to inherent stigma, The Conspiracy Theorist you describe as having fear and "a trigger happy threat detector" are the result of extremest conspiracy theorists who have molded your perception and allowed for this kind of stereotyping, but the majority of "Conspiracy theorists" are people who have decided to think for themselves and not allow for the mainstream media to do it for them. Anything against the social narrative is now seeing as a conspiracy theory.

Yes the Government is colluding against the people, any person with half a brain can see they not on the side of the people and perform nefarious actions while justifying these actions through Main Stream Media.

Yes, Nasa has secrets, its a space research institution for crying out loud, maybe there aren't aliens but why the fuck do they need the extreme security measures? they are either hiding alien life or they hiding projects which will shape the future of society and they not doing this for our benefit.

Yes Pizzagate can be real, there's enough information available to warrant an investigation at the very least, yet any real investigation would have too much impact on the privileged elite.

your blogs are normally quite informative and objective, but this is pretty contradictory to your usual way of writing so you've either had a bad day, just running out of ideas or you let your little sister blog for you today, either way I'll give you a pass as everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if those opinions can be contradictory to their previous selves.

Allow me to recommend a good book for you to read, it can definitely give you an interesting perspective on society and perhaps some new blogging ideas. Brave New World

Hope to see some better stuff in future.

"Conspiracy theorists" are people who have decided to think for themselves and not allow for the mainstream media to do it for them. Anything against the social narrative is now seeing as a conspiracy theory.

thing is most don't think for themselves. they just pick another stream of media, not as popular. doesn't make it more valid though.

Yes, Nasa has secrets, its a space research institution for crying out loud, maybe there aren't aliens but why the fuck do they need the extreme security measures? they are either hiding alien life or they hiding projects which will shape the future of society and they not doing this for our benefit.

Why you would aliens even exist? Why would they even fall in the hands on NASA and not in some other's citizen's hands.

your blogs are normally quite informative and objective, but this is pretty contradictory to your usual way of writing so you've either had a bad day, just running out of ideas or you let your little sister blog for you today, either way I'll give you a pass as everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if those opinions can be contradictory to their previous selves.

Why is this post not objective?

Allow me to recommend a good book for you to read, it can definitely give you an interesting perspective on society and perhaps some new blogging ideas. Brave New World

read it. too sensationalist and over-blown.

Ok I'm going to try this again... I just know that I'm not going to use the same wording I used before. lol

thing is most don't think for themselves. they just pick another stream of media, not as popular. doesn't make it more valid though.

I disagree here, most conspiracy theorists that I encounter take various arguments and look for the common denominator to determine a more viable truth. again the most you talking of are the screamers and shouters who try to become famous for crazy beliefs, these are actually the few. You know as well as I do that the majority aren't the ones trying to influence the masses through fame.

Why you would aliens even exist? Why would they even fall in the hands on NASA and not in some other's citizen's hands.

I think you mean why would aliens even exist? well maybe they do, maybe they dont. the point I'm trying to make here is that NASA is an independant part of the federal government, that's a ludicrous amount of power to give a space research agency, which means they not just researching space, whatever they doing it's something they going through extreme measures to hide, even more so than the national government itself.

Why is this post not objective?

The very nature of your post is describing the stereotypical conspiracy theorist. Well a conspiracy theorist is by definition a person who holds a theory that explains an event or situation as the result of a secret plan by usually powerful people or groups. that would make me and you (and I can cite various blogs you've written previously) Conspiracy Theorists. and we are definitely not the stereotype you describe therefore using the work objective very loosely earlier your article is overly subjective.

read it. too sensationalist and over-blown.

I agree its sensationalist and over-blown, it's taking a the construct of society as we know it and applying a very thick layer of extremism, and I personally thought the author did a great job in demonstrating the problems we have with class identifications. I thought you'd enjoy it again judging by your previous writing, I was wrong. I personally loved the book but please don't go labeling me a sensationalist now. lol

I typed out a response and something happened to my response that it got deleted :(
@kyriacos did you manage to see it before it got deleted? really dont feel like typing it out again?

no man,

is ok. it happens

I agree with you @satoshimoto. ‘Conspiracy theorist’ is a handy label which can be slapped onto the box into which is placed anyone who dares to challenge the dominant narrative; with two words, classifying them as loony, and discrediting anything they have to say. Perhaps fewer nefarious deeds are being plotted behind the closed doors of the Westfields Marriott, but I’d venture to suggest that there are far more than are reported upon.

To quote Joseph Heller “Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.'

Agreeing with you here... sometimes it's just impossible to discuss with people who sense falsehood at every corner of their life and don't trust anything that comes from "mainstream media".

Of course there's a lot going wrong these days but personally I do think that most of the people in most of the industry are really doing their job the best they can.

For me that means not every doctor wants to kill me, not every politician wants to see the world burn (What would be their gain? Being a leader of millions of people seems much more powerful to me than just being one of a few). Sure. A lot of them are dishonest when it comes to certain topics... but isn't everyone a little dishonest at some time of his life?

Most of those people just feel a little left out I guess. Being disappointed by a higher authority some time in their life and maybe getting into a downwards spiral a lot of them start to feel appreciated again in communuties that spread conspiracy theories. It's always easy to blame other people for a failure and incredibly hard to admit that you yourself might have been doing something wrong.

well said. Most people look for connections and just happen to collude with some groups in order to get it their way.

I think most conspiracy theorists have a distorted view of how the world works. They ascribe malicious intent and causality to things that seem to them too big to be coincidence, that fit their narrative too perfectly to be ignored. But the answer is simpler, but maybe harder to explain.

The answer is that the events in question may actually be occuring (population control through vaccines, GMO and mass migration, to take a few related examples) without it actually being guided and plotted by a room of cigar-smoking villains. Life guides and sorts people into baskets, based on their interests, mindsets and beliefs. This makes it possible for hundreds of employees of a big corporation to commit crimes and get away with it, without the CEO ever needing to order, instigate or protect the conspiracy. This makes it possible for the sunscreen-industrial complex (lol!) to peddle their miracle sun protection without doctors ever seeing or asking for evidence of its beneficial effects.

I believe hundreds of US congressmen and senators are complicit in the 9/11 coverup, but I don't believe anyone actually had to tell them to coverup anything. Human nature did that. And it isn't hard for me to believe that people in government can ignore chemtrails, even if they know their harmful effects. Human nature does that.

Birds of a feather flock together...life is merely a series of unconscious conspiracies:)

very well put

THe governments are puppets of the Dark shadow
elite banksters check this out !

You should have included on where the words "conspiracy theorist" comes from.. a cia counter play to the Jfk buliding belief that the government was involded in his death. This is fully declassified and the documents are readily available. Also search for "Opperation Northwood" declassified documents about the plan in the 70's to crash plans into USA buildings and blame it on the Cuban government. I have extensive reserch on chemtrails, its about tracking and griding. The elites have axcess to plenty that we dont and we all know it... Its all there, so im sorry for the lazy people that want to live in a delusional perception, instead of black and white declassified written facts. Good luck

In my opinion, people finding excuses to shut their brains off an ignore obvious contradictions around them is a much greater problem than people with overactive imaginations. I found this post rather disheartening and had a very distinct feeling of self satisfying "intellectual" virtue signalling to it. This is interesting because your standards fall subject to most of the same criticism you point out here.

This post is interesting but you shouldn't be justifying or defending them, they need to defend themselves, but it's there lack of willingness to debate any topics that's detrimental to them, is the reason were still in this mess. If you not educated on this topic and like you admitted, have no clue what's going on, posts like this make it harder for the people who do know the truth, to get it out there. As their way of combating the truth getting out is to create more theories, i.e confuse people. Good example is LGBT and Black Lives Matter. The purpose of these movements is nothing other than to confuse people! Absolute load of bs. But I don't blame the people, I blame George Soros and people like that for funding these movements.

posts like this make it harder for the people who do know the truth, to get it out there.

and how do they know the truth. let me guess. youtube documentaries....

.. Many sources of information. Youtube, is amazing because it's open source information. So if you have a brain and a few hours it's easy to get to the bottom of most theories.

..yah..but anybody can produce any kind of crap...

Yes, but you should be intelligent enough to determine that when watching the videos? Not many people are prepared to waste their time trying to misguide people. Also in my opinion "crap" is the religion, but millions of people waste their lives following that and nobody complains.

yeah. watched many. almost all of them are overblown. usually i enter "debunking" and then the name of that video and see the opposing view.

Many of them are bad, but many of them hold a lot of weight. I've found it to be quite equal.

You are obviously one them! Logic or Science are just other ways you control us, but you won't fool me, I'm already building the world's biggest tin foil hat and when it'll be ready I will reveal the truth to the world!

Funny photo. I hate governments!

governments hate governments

Everyone hate governments

Conspiracies, Conspiracies ,Conspiracies everywhere... Reality of our world..hopefully crypto currencies change something. This could be the start of a new beginning. Cheers!


with or without cryptos conspiracies will always be around

that's true, maybe a chance to suppress it this time..hmm

"jungle 2.0 we call society." I'm stealing this :P

Excellent. I live in SA. How about that? A totally and so obviously corrupt. Following

Excellent job!! Thank you for the share + follow-up

thank you

On welcomed the amplitude

Never trust any government. Interesting post...thanks for sharing

When people's imaginations are freed of the boundaries of reason, I'm afraid well thought out articles like this one won't help. I don't have an answer.

Good points, and I have wondered the same about the chem trails.

Im a conspiracy factualist, and the vatican and its Jesuits are working to take your sovrienty daily.. Someone try and prove me wrong.

excellent post!
new follower+upvoted+resteemed

thank you

Please send more info on the "Tinfoil Vigilante crew" to our email [email protected] we would like to do a feature on it.

I was speaking in general, not specifically for TDV. That's a tinfoil, a whole league of his own. You can find plenty of info with a simple search.

The government spraying chemtrails on itself needs an Xzibit meme attached to it.

"Yo Government I heard you like spraying chemtrails! So we had the Government spray some chemtrails on the Government!!"

lol. do it!

I don't have the photoshop knowhow. Someone get on it!!


This is so true. People tend to believe anything they're told and just "go with the crowd." I know there's some stuff going on, but to believe there are all of those conspiracies, that's just ridiculous. Do some research, make a sound judgement, THEN you can decide what's real and what's not. Thanks for sharing :)

yeap, very few people bother to go through the process.

Great post! While I appreciate Conspiracy theories as a reminder that we only have a limited view of what is going on, all too often they end up as a fertile feeding ground for biases and neurosis

you nailed it.

I heart this subject. There are some obvious conspiracies at work, but people are easily distracted by red herrings and few are able to discern what truly affects them in a tangible way. Here's one: Monsanto/Bayer/Dow/ADM et al. bribe government officials to circumvent testing and legal structures regulating the health and safety of agrochemicals and GMOs. Thus those companies not only get to sell more of their sketchy products, but they get government subsidies as well. Double dipping and giving folks cancer at the same time. Evil genius :\

everyone believes in their own conspiracies

If you are stupid enough to cheat on your girlfriend/wife, and they find out, they will then accuse or suspect you of cheating on them with all sorts of people that you are not cheating on them with. They will come bustling over every single time you are talking to any woman and start to act territorial.


Because you destroyed their trust. Once they realize something is possible, they start to try to see the pattern before it comes around to bite them in the butt. And yes, that means that they will jump at every little thing that is actually nothing, but that's because you made them jumpy.

Centralized government made us jumpy by doing all sorts of nefarious crap behind our backs. As we find out, it is only natural for us to distrust them and start to think that they are doing all sorts of things that they actually are not. That's how our minds work.

Buffalo Springfield from "For What It's Worth":

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line, the men come and take you away

Worth listening to for a minute:

Paranoia on the part of the community is part of the healing process. Whether leaders can regain our trust depends mostly on them, but some on us to make sure we are not over reacting.

interesting view man

Thats why I wear a rubber hat! tin foil does not work,in fact it would help to boost there signal.... rabbit ears and aluminum foil! ...lol...
need to market a Faraday cage hat!..lol...
Lemming following the herd,and off the cliff they go,1,2,10,20,..oh my!..

Great article. I like articles that make people think. It's good to question everything and not take things for granted. And I don't know all the whys myself...nobody does. Each person has to look at both sides and figure out what they want to believe. But like the alternative medicine you mentioned, conventional medicine would have you believe that you can treat cancer with agents that are known to cause cancer, i.e. Chemo and radiation. Now any logical thinking person would say thats stupid. Why would I try to treat cancer with something that causes cancer. But millions do every year cause they do what the doctor tells them and they don't think for them selves. There are proven natural cures for cancer that don't have the devastating affects on the body that chemo and radiation have. To each his own but we all need to think for ourselves. Thanks for the article.

chemo has been demonstrated to be the best path towards curing cancer even if its sucks in general and has a minimal success rate. everything else sucks even more.

Steve Jobs found out about that the hard way

I respectfully disagree. If chemo is the best out there why don't oncologist use it if they get cancer. There was a study done I think in Canada asking oncologist's if they or a family member got cancer would they do the same treatments that they give their patients. If my memory serves me right it was like 87% said no. I find that interesting. So doctors do to their patients what they won't do to them selves.

I'm not real familiar with the Steve jobs story other than he had I believe pancreatic cancer and he eventually had chemo done. I might be wrong about that. But I have nothing to comment on that as I don't know his story.

There are plenty of stiudies out there done by real scientists and doctors that have evidenced based cures. High dose vitamin c is just one. Greenmedinfo.com is a good site for research. And I'm not affiliated with them in any way.

Again great article. Makes people think.

Just because we are able to connect the dots and find a correlation, it does not mean that everything has a causative explanation.

It works in every instances; on both sides of coin.

A conspiracy theorist is just a clever man who does not accept what he is told to think. Instead he tries to think rationally do his own research and come to his own conclusions about reported events. You can also go bat shit crazy if you have the propensity for psychotic breaks. lol

this is actually a pretty awesome explanation.

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