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RE: Autism is a Gift; It is Neurodiversity in a NeuroBland World

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

They also use Squalene. This is a greasy substance that happens to also be a component of nerve sheaths. It is a major part of the brain's insulation system also. I dunno about aluminium but Thimerosal is used partly as a preservative and partly as an 'adjuvant'. This innocuous sounding word actually means that it triggers the immune system. Squalene does this too. Why it would then be a surprise that using these things can trigger long term autoimmune problems, especially squalene, should not be any mystery. The body produces antibodies, some of them end up being against squalene, the immune system starts attacking nerves. This is what causes the more acute symptoms of autism. Inflammation of the brain. When nerves are squished their signals don't propagate properly and most certainly don't function like normal.

Note that vaccines aren't the only trigger. I believe that these modern super-bred types of wheat which have very different proteins than the old heirloom wheat varieties prior to the 60s, have something to do with it as well. There is almost certainly something about milk proteins that has changed in this time as well, but the allergy to milk proteins is more likely genetic. My uncle had a severe allergic reaction that caused his brain to swell and almost killed him. He ended up permanently retarded.

There is nowhere near enough truth to all this and like others are pointing out, there is a common thread to all of this: Government doctors are all shills.