These are good answers.
With regard to 3/ I was more wondering about folders in you computer. eg. Applications/Games/Braid where Applications and Games are 'parent' folders.
I have a further question: who decides if a baby is vaccinated?
These are good answers.
With regard to 3/ I was more wondering about folders in you computer. eg. Applications/Games/Braid where Applications and Games are 'parent' folders.
I have a further question: who decides if a baby is vaccinated?
Regarding 3/ The legacy naming system remains, but the social equivalent is gone in the future. Just as today, multiple hard disks are still sometimes termed 'master' and 'slave' in societies without human slaves (although arguably the quasi-communo-capitalist system today is one of obfuscated slavery).
Baby vaccinations are decided by local community, but not on a prescriptive level. Different local regions decide what customs are practiced in their micro-region.
However, this is never really an issue, because education levels are so high in the future, most citizens have a basic working knowledge of immunobiology. So, there is no need to impose any broad, authoritarian medical policies. Instead, most citizens are their own doctors and the community trusts itself to make good collective decisions. A big reason for this is that what you call 'money' no longer exists. There is no profit motive in the future, so there is no incentive to create 'medicines' that are harmful or ineffective.
Generally, it is a fundamental element of education in the future to understand how to operate and maintain your own human biocomputer.