Any purpose, is better than no purpose. (at the individual level).
When 'faulty' individual purposes go on to then become group think, we then get insanity! lol.
Yup, my figures are coming along very slowly...(I'm not sure they will ever work, tbh - after 20 of them are now in the bin).
I'm determined to give them a go, however, for reasons I said in my post - but I keep looking at the cheap, and very well molded figures, readily available, and for $60 or so, I can have my army here in 10 days.
I'm resisting the temptation so far, and will crack on with my DIY soldiers..
I never quite realized just how difficult it was to get the anatomical proportions close enough to real people, so that they don't look like deformed skeletal zombies with severe birth defects! lol
My house you love is now redundant.
(I'm fairly sure that southern colonial style abodes, were not too common in the dark ages! lol)
I'll send you my house !!!!
(and throw in two other- now redundant-buildings, and you send me some Viking and Saxon warriors! lol)
Good to hear everything's peachy - same here.
I'm not kissing Sophia for you....
She's just been running in the fields and partaking of her favorite pastime- which is to see if she can roll around and cover every square inch of her body, in cow shit!
I must say, she takes her hobby very seriously - and I'm confident that she'll achieve her goal at some point in the near future...
(I might give her a kiss for you, after I've thrown her in the shower...)