I had never read mr. bales before - and that was excellent.
Why are you not writing more fiction?
(...I hope you weren't using me as your inspiration for mr. bales! lmao - I'm not that old...)
I'm not upvoting today, sorrrrry - I had a flagging attack from a communist who didn't seem to appreciate my focused comments and funny memes, and they did some serious down voting!...Yes, seriously!
Which is kinda funny...I was arguing about them (the left) having no sense of humor last week...mmmmm...
(Mr bales was the only one of your post that I hadn't read, I think.)
Nice to see you around these parts!
😂 😂 😂
Oh noooo .... flagging attacks are awful! I was flagged 10 months ago or so, by someone with a big wallet and it smarted a bit. A reader of mine reesteemed my post; but, unfortunately seem to have upset someone who went over flagging a bunch of her blog's posts (including the reesteems! 😅).
I am glad to hear you liked Mr. Bales :D I like him too. And no, he wasn't inspired by you (Ahahaha). I have written a couple of fiction pieces since I last posted my last one here, one year ago. But, unlike someone I know, my ability to bring characters to life is rather limited.
This is, by the way, a great opportunity for me to let you know how incredible I find the way you shape Reg's and Derek's personality, peculiarities and interactions. And I know that just 'comes' to you. I am not like that :P
All right.
You take care over there and try to avoid flag wars!
er,... yeah,... right...you probably know me well enough by now, I'm not the type to let bullying go unchallenged...(I've never been bullied in real life).
First they came for political satirist, then it was the psychologists..
...this seems quite conciliatory, don't you think?
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
I cant upvote, sorry - my power has been crucified (pun intended, once you click on the link..lol)
I'm off to bed now - but on the upside, you are gonna just love my next Reg and Derek post - ill try to do it tomorrow...
(I need some frivolity!)
Sleep well! Turning off here too :)
I hope you have an enjoyable sunday morning read !!!!!!