Everything wrong with Jordan Peterson’s “advice” to young men

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Everything wrong with Jordan Peterson’s “advice” to young men

First things first: I do agree with Jordan Peterson on the account of refusal to use made up “gender” pronouns for mentally ill people or brainwashed people following a sick trend. I’m rather on the conservative side, because as life verifies, being a lefty is a matter of a great privilege given in life. Leftism is going to destroy the world as it revolts everything natural and normal - it’s a fairytale, theoretical wonderland, which cotradis logic. Peterson himself described himself as a liberal, and no wonder. After all, he’s a adamician living in a glass bubble all his life, as many of this profession do. I know that he has a vast fan base, but it doesn't impress me. I’m not teenager anymore, and I haven’t been one for a quite some time. I have my own brain, my own education and most of all my all broad experiences. I’ve been around the place. I can analyse information from different sources and angles, which allows me to have my own opinions not limiting myself to a one “guru” (in any shape or form).

Img src: wikipedia.org

Peterson called the men of MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) “pathetic weasels” for, and I’m paraphrasing, “being to much of a wuss to deal with women and acting like a scaredy cat towards life”. He later apologised for his bold and imprudent remark. However, he continues to ridicule young men and encourages them to adopt “responsibility”. I take a beef with that as I consider his remarks to be more harmful than good. So! Let us examine flaws in Peterson’s claims and who he is as a man himself.

Firstly, by attacking and demeaning men (and he speaks of mostly of white, western men) he showed how leftist he really is. He would not attack brown islamists even in his home country of Canada. No, he would not risk getting on the bad side of those murderous thugs. It’s easier to wail on the weakened ones cause is in fashion to attack this group. He would not dare to attack the trans “community” - for them he wanted to stay as respected as he could. He is more scared of those weirdos, which he must know, by his training, know to be mentally ill, highly distorted people who ought to be put to into the military discipline to experience the reality of life for the first time instead living in a rainbow land their parents created for them with the policy of 90th of a 100 places trophy. The only reason at all that he spoke against the new made-up “gender” pronouns seems to be that he’s a father of adult children (personal experience of raising offspring and how this works and looks like), as well as, his personal healthy ego not to be bullied into something.

Secondly, Peterson calling any men, “pathetic weasel” is a pure hypocrisy. He is the biggest beta male I have ever seen in my life. Why? He himself said that by the age 25 he was a mess. He was skinny, smoked and drank. Why wasn’t he working by that age? Who paid for hs accommodation, smokes and drinks? By some chance he went to the gym and people there helped him by teaching him how to work out, what to do and what not to do. Who encouraged him to work out in the first place? Did he go there by himself? Who helped him to train there? Later, he said that by the age of circa 28, he married his childhood sweetheart who lived few houses to him. Ha! Funny. What does this mean? This woman had no committed relationship with a man by the age of 28. Only she and God knows how many dikcs went up her chimeny to that point. Then she hit the wall - first wrinkles, her youth and beauty fading rapidly, guys stopped chasing after her as they turned to a younger, more attractive women. Then she sees this guy she knows, who has been following her since childhood like a stray dog does after anyone who throws a piece of food at him. She knew him pretty well, and most probably she knew everything about him there was to know - education, personality, temperament, family history and wealth. She knew, that he secured some scholarship to a safe, paid position at university PhD programme. Most likely, like most women do, she consulted him with other women and especially women in her family. Make no mistakes, women are cold and calculative creatures. Marriage for a woman is about resources, not love. They like to preach about love, rant at being objectified by “perverts”, but by the time they hit their 30th birthday they look for a cock to support her like never before as her biological clock is ticking and her chances are slimming down day by day. So, by all means, he was a safe bet to support her - controllable ATM machine. That’s it! If it wasn't this way, they would get together much earlier. Moreover, he himself recalls his wife in her youth as a alt-feminist. So there you have it! Nobody wanted her with this mouth on. Crazy feminist woman with a strong sense of entitlement - red flag for any sane guy. Life proved her wrong and verified her beliefs to be false. Her way had no future and along came this beta male who needed only one flash of a pussy before his eyes to fall in love, and to sign the mortgage. Pattern like this is so repetitive. I know many guys who married this way. It doesn't interrupt their wives to cheat on them, look after other men (alternatives), or leer at them in public, at the same time sending their husbands disdainful looks. So, to sum up this part it’s pretty hypocritical of him to call anybody “pathetic”. He himself was a backup plan for his wife - a last chance at getting this type of ATM machine and pretty convenient life. Men who seen through women’s manipulation of thought and flesh, and who want to control their lives instead of conforming to women’s commands, wishes becoming their servants and slaves he calls “pathetic” being himself pathetic. He must be really unwilling to take a good, sober look at his own life and examine it, or his wife must be good at sex and he won’t as he’s addicted. So, getting a woman and being suitable ATM machine for her should not be an end goal for any man.

Moreover, regarding being a man time and time again, he depicts how weak he really is. Whether physically or mentally. He often breaks in his speeches. He often stutters and his voice shakes. He doesn't argue like a confident man. He’s arguments and discussion are all learnt from books. There's in no autehicy to it, no true masculine energy. So, what really attracted his wife to him? He’s neither a great man by his physiquel, not really by his psyche. He was a safe bet, backup plan, ATM machine, beta whom she’s given what he considers to be an end-all be-all of human existence - pussy and reproduction. He didn't choose his wife. She allowed him to be in her presence close enough throughout the years to wag his tail and to which he was hungry for as the most probably he had no experience with women being “pathetic weasel” at the age of 25. Then she only need to throw her “pussy trap”, in the words of Eddie Murphy, at him and he caught the bait. Beta! Why he considers himself above MGTOW guys or any other? Because of having a wife? He didn’t get her, she allowed him. Yeah, not so impressive now decoded, right?

In his lectures, Peterson praises women, as if they were this amazing creatures males sole purpose is to please. “Woman is a gatekeeper to reproduction” he says following that it a great honour to be chosen by a woman, as if it was anything special and something for men to chase for. Ridiculous! Men should get external validation based on the level of satisfying needs of a woman from a woman? Hit yourself in the head and do it hard. Having children is for woman, it’s not for man. It’s woman’s nature call, her strategy to survive doing very little, not man’s. Man’s is copulation and hunt (work, building things). Not having a children for a man isn’t a matter of lack of responsibility. Having a children and leaving them, not taking care of them, that would be lack of responsibility. However, not having them, committing elsewhere, is a different responsibility equally important. It is a matter of priorities and life choices. After all, most great men who have given world anything useful were childless. Not every profession is as easy as being a professor at uni where in the scope of one’s responsibilities there is learning for oneself and doing one’s own research paid for and accounted in the work time. Most men who change the world worked without such a backing. Peterson had it extremely easy in life. It was combination of being in the right place, at the right time, with right people and having no other choices, as it is in cases of the most of PhD programme students all over the world - it’s always the weakest ones who stay in school.

Let’s go further with decoding the position many men found themselves in. Why are there more men than women in this position of bitterness? Nature. Woman has advantage over man in the post of their bodies for men are willing to do everything just like addicts for a hit. As comedian aries Spears put it: every woman has a scholarship for life.. and she's sitting on it right now. Men are told that they are not worthy. On the other hand, women are told that they are this special princesses who deserve everything in the world - this is where the problem starts.

Jordan Peterson by encouraging his ill understood idea of “responsibility” he encourages men to acquire skills only to become become subservient ATMs to women. This is a ridiculous advice! This is advice against manhood, authenticy, psychological health and proper development. The latter often in case of many men was severely disrupted by hateful mothers, grandmothers or sisters which I will talk about later. Peterson also talks about “responsibility” in terms of work instead of playing video games “in the basement of their parents”. First of all, most of these guys mourns the loss of the not long-long ago childhood and youth by the bad decisions of their parents and most likely mothers who didn't plan any future for them as women wants to be taken care of their whole lives and bitch about it. Men were promised great lives, but as they grew they started to psychically resembling their fathers being whipped at the same time punished for that reason by the mothers and told it's necessary. Work sooner or later becomes compulsory for everyone, so let's not put this in the definition of mythical “responsibility” as it is a plain necessity. Secondly, mythical american “parents basement”. If american culture wasn't this mindlessly oriented for capitalism people would know that it’s most beneficial for families to live together. It’s best for children to live in one house where they are parents and grapdpatenrs alike. It has been this way for most of human history and as psychiatrist he ought to know that. Read another canadian psychiatrist Gordon Neufeld about it. Push for houses for young people with those prices and this level of loan debt is as financially unwise as paying for college education in the States - it’s a bubble with a loop around one’s neck. It’s obvious it’s a rigged game, but one would have to read about the market first instead bubbling how he bought his house 35 years ago in a completely different economy (or inherited one). Hey, if prices were right everyone would be pushing for their own places. Any sensible age or a moment in life to move out would only be in the case of toxic relationship with other family members. Most of “those” guys have too much responsibility already, taking care of the house the live in with their families, often taking care of family members (grandparents or siblings) as they parentifed them (see "parentification"). Let’s discuss this further ”pathetic” activity Peterson point out - playing video games. Let’s think about it this way for a moment - spiritual void. Another thing that didn't emerged in the New Continent were monasteries. Over there “man of God” have wives. On the Old Continent real men of God devoted their lives to him. A true priest, a true monk, lives completely different life compared to that of an ordinary man. They have to have different kind friends, different habits, different activities, different thinking and moreover different set of values - higher calling. Games of course can be at times an unhealthy escape from life but nobody can say that there aren't immersive and a great deal of joy. History, play of light, mysticism, music, dedication, great goal in this world of gaming may have filled the void of spirituality in life of those men so much devoid of in the daily life of the West. Doesn’t the atmosphere of many games, music and lights resemble old european churches where you can feel humbled? This may be the reason islam comes to the West to fill this void and is welcomed by leftists rebelling against european patriarchy and welcoming eastern one which doesn’t humbles itself before criticism or anything really expect bullets and bombs. So, you can't really tell someone to stop this gaming without a real alternative - and Peterson doesn’t provide any example. Psychiatrist ought to know this and he doesn't. Therefore he must be very poor one - again, academician not practitioner. Adopt responsibility - ok. I’ve debunked the woman myth Peterson is propagating and now the ill understood idea of responsibility. There's a great burden lifted off man's shoulders if one stops to look for source of one’s worth for anyone but oneself. Every psychiatrist knows, or ought to know, that directing children to look for validation from peer group is the most harmful thing to their self esteem and their psychics anyone can do. So why Peterson pushes this? Well, maybe he wants to appeal to the broader audience. Let’s go further in his scope of “angry, young men” and examine the further the probable causes for their bitterness. As I mentioned earlier, many, or even the most men, young men, often had too much of responsibility in their lives often very early. It’s most of the times, that mothers destroy the families and file for divorces. Who the burden of being a man of the house falls to? Young boys - the sons. Often mothers make partners of theirs sons and what them to take over the responsibilities of father and most often theirs as well, as someone needs to punished for the now ex-husband. The vast majority of woman do that - what else “princesses” would do (now you can see how socially unhealthy is calling girls princesses by their parents - everything given, zero responsibilities - great parenting). He ought to know that being a psychiatrist. However, Peterson seems to like the smell of his own farts of “intellectual” speeches more than taking into account reality and different variables people have in life.

Moreover, Peterson’s lectures often revolves around punishing men for wanting to experience the world, to search, to hunt, to make mistakes - living irresponsibly - he is against male nature. Without going out to the world, without making mistakes, with things what else is there we wouldn't have anything. At the same time he praises women and female nature of looking for meal ticket, playing it safe and backing off the hunt squad (he gives law firm for example) in order to play with children. But who the hell brings food to the table? Someone has to. This all hated and look-down-upon man. You can see now the great flaws in his logic and his “conclusions”. Men should be men. You cannot submit your life to someone who isn't capable of fending for themselves physically and is this psychologically unstable - any man would NOT tolerate average woman’s behaviour for another man, only tits have power to overlook it and sometime they are not enough. Nor you can submit yourself to someone who is so weak and has no idea about anything and has no useful skills. Moreover, you can to be a subject to some who is passive in a sexual act - after all sex is an act of domination, because someone has to get fucked and someone else does the fucking and controls the situation - being subservient to a woman would be a total reversal of natural roles. I know the propaganda in the american films - woman is always on top, but sorry, it doesn't work that well in the real life.

Oh, another bullshit Peterson also talks that only the rich guys are moral or not engaging in sexual activities with many women throwing themselves at those men. First off all, where’s his critique of women for that animalistic behavior? There is none. He always wants to basch on men, because he’s a beata feminist. He laughs at oridandry men to whom women don’t throw their pussies to. WTF is wrong with you Peterson? I know many people in vast spectrum of profession and life positions making daliy much more difficult choices regarding morality and respectful conduct. I won’t accept a claim that some millionaire baseball player has more morality than I do because he doesn't fuck every gold digger that throws herself at him. What a silly argument! Peterson doesn’t take into account a proper upbringing nor taught morality. Even religious beliefs seem to go beyond his head. Moreover, his argument derives from the point of view of a unattractive man who never really had any sexual successes in his life. From his owns descriptions, he was “a mess”. So, if you were more good looking Jordan you would know, that woman wants to fuck you no matter if you’re millionaire. Having a great affluence only helps the ugly ones, and it doesn't do as much in the regards of the time available during a day for good looking men - you can fuck only so much during a day. Okay, the looks fade? Yes, that’s true. But having a young pussy on call to have to fuck at 50 and older is, I guarantee you, much cheaper than losing millions or dealing with false rape accusations by some gold digging bitches throwing themselves at millionaires. Pussy is NOT something special and something to die for! Same goes for relationship. For him presence of a woman is more important than life even if this relationship is toxic. “Life over 40 without family is incomplete” - if you don’t know how to, and what to commit yourself that it may be. Family for clueless isn’t a solution, but rather accidental circumstance which occupies all of time having very little space for anything else - a good excuse. What if a wife divorces you just like that? Pay for her and your children which most likely will be set against you by their mother. There is no safe bet with one way or the other. So, we have yet another petersonian “truth” debunked.

Peterson’s claims and ideas seem to be purely academic, theoricial and not verified by reality. He may know something from psychiatry, but not necessarily every matter he takes voice into, and especially problem of “angry, young men”. After all, what can he know? He roams around the stories from children books, animated films and mythical stories. I have never heard him speak any wisdom for the actual lives. Only theories based on statistics leaned against fairy tales and some personal anecdotes. I have never heard him approaching people from the point of learning their stories - no working with someone from the audience like, for instance, another canadian psychiatrist Gabor Mate does. Peterson appears to be really weak practitioner. He is an academician - he sits, he writes, he theoretises, but he doesn't confront his theories with real life, with real people from broad spectrum of social stara around the world. There are so many obvious variables, as well as, those not so obvious which he even doesn't’ take into the account it mind boggling. He doesn't seem to know of their existe and he doesn't seem to care. After all, by now he became a brad and probably made a few million dollars. He has a product to sell - whether to secure his next appearance of tv shows or colleges, making traffic on his YouTube channel, or whether it is to sell his books. Changing his claims now, at this point, would mean a drop of seals as he would become inconsistent and therefore unreliable. So, Peterson is not to be followed as a prophet. He’s a very average academic theorist who happened by chance to come to a public light. His popularity and controversy around him attracted many and he seized the chance to monetise. He made his media career on the real absence of masculinity and men in lives of young boys and men around the world appearing as one - manly, decisive father. The reality is that he appears to be a false prophet. Maybe few lesson can be learnt from him, but definitely not “advice to young men” which now I’ve successfully debunked.

So, to wrap up. Peterson (and his “advice”) should be treated as a tidbit rather than this wisdom bearing scholar. Maybe he galloped himself in the uncharted theories thinking he knows everything - Nobel disease, just like all the actors commenting on current politics. After all, there is much greater problem with women in general, not only the toxic feminism, rather than men. Men have skills and are the same as they were generations before. It is women who changed.. for the worse. Men need no more responsibilities as they already have them and are blamed for being men. What do women do when men have to do everything? Child bearing? Come on, that’s too easily and too short of a task. It doesn't make them special nor does it justify their awful characters and abject materialist worldview. The only asset of women today is their asses, nothing more. What percentage of woman has great personalities? Very few and this is the cause of men’s reluctance towards them and not being scared, because there’s nothing to be scared of not physically or mentally. The problem isn't that men and it’s not men’s responsible to fix women. It’s a problem that women aren't women on a DAILY basis. They lack necessary skills. They can’t cook, clean, make a home nor can they fuck properly. Man, on the other hand, have to know how to do everything around the house and also cook, clean, make home, bring money and fuck (as unsatisfactory sex life is always blamed on men). What sane men would commit themselves to be subservient to this vast majority of irresponsible, pouty princesses in order just to fuck from time to time? It simply doesn't calculate. It’s not about the recualtace of sharing the resource as Peterson metined. It’s about lack of quality woman in the matters of womanhood. Most women are not normal. It’s men who has more to offer , not women and they should work to men’s attention and attraction. Feminism in cancer. Woman for few decades now want to be female version of Hugh Hefner, and/or children of trust funds. Signing to such a deal would be not wise business decisions. Women need to change, men only need to be free to do what they do. There is womanhood crisis, not manhood crisis.

So what could be a real advice I would gladly hear myself a few years back? Never base your world view on the opinion of one idol for one person never holds a key to an umiliate truth as it is unattainable. You can always know more, be more, but don’t forget to live here and now with what you have, and derive happiness, no matter how small, from it. Watch MGTOW videos in order to learn about women and their tricks. It doesn't have to become your way of life as it isn't mine, but there’s a great deal to learn from them. Educate yourself with self-help books on various topics. Don't try to get a valion of your worth from the outside world, because you will never get it this way - it must derive for you and only you. After all, you are the only person who is there with you through tyu whole life and it’s a good thing to have a good relationship with yourself. Work out - it’s beneficial to you health and to your psyche as the are connected. Eat healthy for the same reasons. Take care of you psyche as well. Get capital to have a mobility. Finally, moran the loss of anything you might had happened to loose and be sad about. After you moran build a new. Because, the old thing it will never come back. Unfortunately, you’ve suffered and most probably not by any fault of you own. I know it's painful to watch others who did nothing to deserve the things that you wanted. But the hardest pill to slow in this is that you are suffering most probably unjustly by faults of not your own despite great efforts, and it was beyond your control after all despite what people may have you believed (for instance, being responsible to fill your father's place or whatever it might have happened to be). You have to build a new or there are two alternatives: you will get old and resentful beyond measure in a second because time flies as you will not live a life and stay where you are; or you will die either by drugs, alcohol and suicide. You have nothing to lose and something to gain.

“And that’s that!”

Img src: https://i.4pcdn.org/tv/

Jordan ;P


P.S. I’m not a native English speaker. If something doesn’t sound English enough in my text please let me know in the comments.


Here is a short video I made showing Peterson talking about MGTOW

I've just watched your video and I had seen this footage before. More comments on Peterson: 1) calling names by psychiatrists proves he's not professional, this is a big no no in this profession; he must not have much experience with working with actual patients 2) Nobel disease and liking of smelling his own farts 3) viewing MGTOW as only a "movement" regarding sexual/romantic relationships with women is very short-sighted especially by a "professional" whom Jordan Peterson claims to be. If anybody wants to understand the reason behind the existence MGTOW is modern culture and women. It's starts with toxic mothers at home - and to understand this I recommend watching on YouTube Jesse Lee Peterson (not related) using keyword like "forgiving parents" and "angry mothers". It's not so plain and simple as Jordan Peterson makes it as if MGTOW was a movement of resentful men towards women due to lack of sex - it’s a infatle view of educated “professional”.

As I written in my article - he sells particular set of books with particular content and changing it now would make them obsolete. He advocates nothing empowering for men and he claims that man's happiness is directly rooted in satisfying woman just for a pussy - he doesn't know shit, he theorizes. Another fallen messiah.