I love your posts, you are a role model for anyone here on Steemit and I try to read everything you post because it helps me become a better writer and learn about life in general. You are a great "mentor" even if you don't know it. Keep keeping on.
By the way, I posted about how to help people wake up to the truth today if it interests you.. The article is called "It's Hard Being Conscious." Sometimes we get frustrated with those around us when they avoid the truth just for comfort, even though they are feeding the very thing they want to avoid! Here's the link!
@macolonna, thanks for your kind words-- high praise, thank you. I'm basically just "me," muddling through this thing called life... and having a love affair with the written word.
I will go check out your stuff, for sure. Anything that can help life general awareness in the world is a good thing!