Natural Law Principles: The Abuse of Ideas & Willful Ignorance of Causality

in #psychology7 years ago



When it comes to the abuse of ideas, it reminds me of what an old master had conveyed to me. And that is the moment one becomes identified; then that is precisely the instant one stops existing. I have found what he had said is symbolic of several different things one can see along the way of their walk in this life, from the very small to the very large. 

Let me remark that there will be nothing new written here in this commentary.




Often, most people will give over their cause to whatever preexisting thing there is believing that it will alter their environment and even their inner state of being. This type of activity is an incredible misplacement of personal energy and an ultimate negation of infinite human potential. This is especially true concerning the application of imbalanced scientific and political ideologies throughout the world. We can see how this is where the majority of the human population seems to be placing too much faith in external government and the physical sciences, thinking that the next breakthrough, great discovery, or supreme leader will correct their selves of what ills them internally. However, the Law of Causality does not work in reverse, and I will explain how the current line of reasoning humanity has embedded in its collective psyche, is in opposition to the world as it is.

Cause and Effect

Fundamentally, ideology is not a living thing. It is an effect of reality. At best, it is a set of tools, or a window one can peer through that can assist towards constructive or destructive actions. The effect of the highest ideas can be found in the emotional expression of love. And these ideas help with the creation of peace, freedom, and the enhancement of understanding among sentient beings. The effects of the lower are found in fear which creates coercion, violence, and the destruction of liberty leading to chaos.

The Natural Law of Cause and Effect indicates that at all times an effect cannot be used to change the conditions of reality and that causes must be altered to see an actual change manifest. Simply put, the nature of a cause is of the mind. It is also known as the Plane of Causes. The nature of an effect is found in objective reality or otherwise known as the Plane of Effects. To change a cause is to change the mind. From a change in the mind comes the ability to choose an action to alter or to improve upon the effects found in Nature. 

With this basic understanding of Causality, something should come into a more explicit focus concerning our treatment of one another with the ideas we come to believe as our own. For it can be found that the whole body of political ideas is consistently rooted in fear-based irrational thinking, leading to actions that destroy the value and freedom of other people, while driving the persistent chaotic conditions that we find here on Earth. And it can also be found in the practices of the material sciences, that humans continue to seek further advancement outside of themselves without taking a moment to ponder their attitudes about life and make the adjustments within that are necessary to build a free, unified, and prosperous humanity.

A Matter of Self-Reflection

From here, it probably wouldn't do any harm to pause and reflect, personally, as to the nature of our actions and what they are creating for others, concerning misplaced faith in politics and the material sciences. Chances are we may not like what we see, but this is in no way to be taken as an encouragement or to accept defeat to continue doing the same things and repeating the same mistakes from previously learned behaviors over the course of collective human history. 

Individuals should be more careful with what they choose to assert in life through their conduct. Humans can no longer afford to think and act in a way where we can blindly impose upon someone else to change their disposition towards life and operate from it, because one has found their's altered through what they have experienced or through what has been exposed to them, inwardly or outwardly. To even begin to impose this requirement on others would require threats, violence, destruction of individual liberty, and an overall poisoned world-view. And this is quite evident in the day-to-day affairs of humanity that these are the prevailing conditions in which we find ourselves. 

Though most people choose the ideologies of politics, scientism, and whatever else over themselves; it isn't anyone's business in reality what ideas an individual decides to act through. It is the individual's path to walk alone, and any imposition upon it will produce counter-productive results according to Natural Law Principles. That is to say, that there is a fine line between being influential and imposing your will on others, and it should be searched for and found within each of us, to arrive at a better understanding of how human beings ought to communicate and conduct themselves with one another. 


In conclusion, it can be found that the responsibility falls squarely on the individual to choose differently in their mind. The only thing we can hope for is that the choice is according to the highest law of their being; to act in a way to bring about the change they wish they see on Earth. The kind of change needed is no easy set of circumstances to overcome because humans seem to have this curious habit of fooling one another into thinking, by way of their conduct, that they are not subject to Nature and the crucible of her laws. However, it is Nature that always proves humanity the fool without having to do a thing. And that is to say; that it seems, we can take our ill-education of the way things are, only so far, by continuing to build a science of "success" that rests upon breaking the rules, while ignoring that inevitably one day -- that it will be the rules that break us.


Good write up. I think extreme ownership of ones life (also an idea) is the way to go because of what you said.

Basically taking extreme responsibility of anything in your life. It's you who is responsible and only you who has any power in your life.

I do wonder if that view of mine though is a luxury of my current place in life. Either way I find it to be the most productive for my life because then in an undesirable situation I can't blame anything on anything and therefore have to think about how I can change it (usually with thought, way of thinking framing, first).

Extreme ownership is an excellent way of putting it.