Read this article to leave the cigarette - part 3 - Ready for symptoms of nicotine addiction!

in #psychology7 years ago



Read this article to leave the cigarette - part 3 - Ready for symptoms of nicotine addiction! In last post we discus about "Read this article to leave the cigarette - part 1 - Say by by to cigarette!" and in part 2 we discus about "the reasons of decided to leave" Now in 3th step we describe an other step to say by by to cigarette. we talk about symptoms of nicotine addiction!

Smokers who decide to quit can get well enough to deal with mental health problems when familiar with symptoms.

It takes three weeks for a smoker's body to be removed from the symptoms of this substance, but each step of the cracks has features that are necessary to identify.

According to the report, after a few hours of cessation, the body begins to recover from the effects of nicotine, blood pressure, heart rate, and human body temperature (in general, everything that has been high for nicotine in cigarettes) has started to decrease. And return to a healthier level.

On the other hand, the lung capacity is increased and the trachea relaxes, and with these changes blood can be given to receive more oxygen from the lung.

This article refers to the timetable for cigarette smoking symptoms from the third day of smoking cessation until the 21st day.

***third day

Many people do not know that nicotine is completely removed from the body for three days (72 hours) after the last cigar is taken. The bad news is that quitting smoking right at this time is the hardest and most difficult task.

One of the things that should be kept in mind is the fact that the physical sense of leaving a nicotine is actually the same with the sense of hunger, and that is why many people become obese when they quit smoking, because they are inhibited by their desire They eat nicotine.

At this time, if you remember that the current process is not as harmful to human being as it is in mind, this stage will become much easier.

*** The fifth day

On the fifth day, nicotine symptoms have gone through the body, and because of this, the human being does not cope with symptoms of smoking, such as headache or nausea.

The presence of symptoms of quitting smoking in the mind does not make it much easier to overcome these problems, but it can make it even easier for a person to overcome them, which can strengthen himself to stop smoking.

*** The fourteenth day

Just about two weeks after quitting smoking, people realize that it's easier for them to do some normal activities.

One realizes that he does not breathe after climbing the stairs, or when he is playing with children in his life, he is not tired.

The normal function of the lungs is significantly improved about 14 days after quitting, and this is something that a person should always remember as much as possible when he does not smoke.

*** The nineteenth day

From the nineteenth day, it is referred to as the silver line of quit smoking. Most symptoms of cessation disappear about two and a half weeks after the last cigar is taken.

This means that at this stage, humans are still struggling with the desire to smoke, but there has been less repetition of this desire.

On the other hand, some stimuli in life can make a person forget to smoke, but at this stage, the human being does not necessarily seek to find the closest cigar to the closest cigarette.

The person who goes through this phase must be pretty sure that he is no longer a smoker.

*** The 21st day

Although the human body has long been abandoned to addiction to smoking, the human mind is not formally "free" until three weeks after the last cigar is taken.

All mental symptoms caused by the cessation of a person's cessation end up smoking until the 21st day.

In addition, it takes about three weeks to form a new habit.

This means that all the old stimuli that encourage people to smoke are replaced with more positive ones.

The good news for this day is that people who endure up to this day are no longer smokers.

 You must know that you must be determined to quit smoking and try a bit more than your usual attempt. You must be patient. Of the 45 million Americans addicted to nicotine addicts, only 5 percent of them succeed in quitting smoking at a time, according to statistics from the American Addiction Detention Association.

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nice article. i actually smoked for probably 4 years, heavily the first 2 years i was in the navy and i actually just recently quit about a year ago and i surprisingly didn't notice any withdrawals. i was shocked! but thanks for the post i enjoyed reading it! i look foreword to more of your content!

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