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RE: Why do lazy students tend to end up being more successful?

in #psychology7 years ago

I quite agree that sometimes the laziest person in the room is the one that will find the shortest way to get things done. Because they are lazier, they would often observe what others are doing, and look for hacks. Sure, in the game of speed of completion, they may fail, because they have to rely on the trials of others before coming up with their own. However, when it's a measurement of effectiveness and efficiency, there's a chance the lazy one would emerge a victor. As a matter of fact, some would say there have a bigger, broader helicopter view, and are able to see things from a better perspective.

Good piece! Very enlightening and comforting. Though I had not much success to shout for, but I was one of the lazy ones...


However, when it's a measurement of effectiveness and efficiency, there's a chance the lazy one would emerge a victor

This is true and there have been studies about this.

Good piece! Very enlightening and comforting.

Thanks for your kind words mate!