We love authoritarians

in #psychology4 years ago (edited)

To make sure to clear up any confusion, I should start by saying this is a general statement. Of course I don't love fascism, and I'm sure if you are curious about this topic you probably don't either.


Across the political spectrum

There are some people who believe that authoritarians belong to a specific political wing, but this could not be further from the truth.

It's more accurate to say that it's a personality type, and that the political inclination is the meat attached to the bone. We have without a doubt countless examples through history. From Mao, to Hitler, to cite some extremes.

But why is it that these types of leaders keep on surging? Why do they keep on sprouting regardless of the political inclination. Not to say that one wing is more prone to authoritarianism, because that part of the discussion i'll leave for another day.

We must love them

There are some psychologists that try to tackle this challenging idea. Why do we, as a species, gravitate to these leaders?

Not to say there's one definite answer, but there are some ideas that are worth considering.

Loving yet overly strict Father

Of course this does not mean that authoritarianism cannot be espoused by a woman, but lack of lingual inclusivity aside, I think the point is quite clear.

Some of us grow up in homes with a very strict parent. In some cases, abusive ones. Time and distance, and luck, sometimes heal the wounds well enough for us to seem "normal" (whatever normal means anyways). The idea is that an authoritarian government, an authoritarian leader, becomes a continuance of that very dynamic. "Yes my personal freedom is limited, yes it seems like abuse, but it's for our own good".

In this hypothetical yet interesting scenario, the would be follower of said regime, would have been primed to adjust to this oppressive system from a young age, thus equating it to normalcy and even safety. (they made it this far after all)

Religiously Obedient

This one is a bit more controversial, but putting all the potential frowning aside, allow me to elaborate on it for a minute.

Some religions, and this is not secret, are very demanding and some would say oppressive. This is not to say that these aspects of what I would call toxic religions belong to a specific branch, but on the contrary they are pretty universal.

These oppressive religious upbringing also primes the human psyche for adopting and embracing an authoritarian figure. Not only have they lived this dynamic in their religious group, and structure, but they've been taught that GOD himself is a jealous, authoritarian God.

So the idea here is that it's easy for this psyche to accept an authoritarian figure as a savior, and in some extreme cases as a messiah.

I'm reminded of the late Hitchens when he rightfully stated that North Korea is a religious state, and that the diety had become the late Kim Jon-il, making North Korea the first Necrocracy in the world, since he's still considered to be the head of the state.

Needless to say, everything I'm discussing belong in a spectrum. In other words, there's no absolutes here, but it's easier to understand this in extreme scenarios.

But, there's more to add...

Don't forget the fertilizer

Inclinations are one thing, but of course political movements, and political power has to be planted, watered and then harvested.

Much like the non-metaphoric fertilizer, the one used by politicians is made with some very gnarly elements.

You see, no politician who has ever risen to the level of authoritarian has achieved their position without using the now obvious tactics of fear mongering and social resentment.

Someone like Hitler played the tune to perfection, and convinced otherwise good people to do horrible things. As much as I may hesitate to think about there being good people among his ranks.

This is why in my opinion, it's so important to be hyper-aware of the way these games are played. Not only to fight back their advances when these political figures have secured power, but also to recognize them before they ever get to talk on a bully pulpit.

Will they cease to exist?

Probably not, it's part of humanity it seems. More will rise, and it will be up to those who are around to fight back.

Until the dynamics that hold society together, the familiar structures, religious tactics, and political games change their tune universally, we will have ripe soil for an opportunist to use.



Authoritarians will never cease to exist because they have never begun to exist in the first place. It is part of the natural tendency to seek comfort and delegate complex functions to one central organ/member/leader/group/etc.

Most of the people who rise to power are sociopaths, and they will do whatever it takes to get that power, no matter the consequences for other people...

cant disagree with that

Along with real freedom comes real reponsibility. The gullible majority would rather someone else take responsibility for decisions in their lives.


its what has worked for centuries... being a sheep is "safe" i guess.

Because so-called western democrats are double-standard hypocrites who sold their soul to financial powers and reject patriotism (in a nutshell).

not that I disagree, but both parties are guilty of this. its two wings from the same bird.