Med Records

My Health Record equates to digital health records for Australians indicating health information which can be viewed online. This data is maintained and active even if you move or travel interstate. This record will be created for Australians on an automatic enrollment basis, with an “opt-out” option if individuals choose to do so. The program was intended to assist service providers such as doctors , hospitals, etc. easily access necessary data for treating clients... but many feared it was primed for abuse.... and it seems they may not be wrong.
Revealed: Big Pharma can access My Health Record

In a recent article from TOTT News there are some interesting developments discussed which set the stage for the current state of affairs. The long and short is that anyone can make an application for the private medical data which is collected by the "My Health Record" program, if they get access to the data or not is "another story" , but they can try.... all good right? no "baddies" will be allowed to get that data right... ?
Enter the "Hooman Condition". ok lets be real, people are easily corruptible. We have seen it enough times in headlines around the world. police on the take, fire fighters setting fires, lets not even get started on politicians etc. There is a deep seeded issue within us as a species that we seem to continue to ignore. Humans have an innate ability to take advantage of systems, stack the chips in our favor, sell our souls... and all this for what ? the pleasure principal.
While many will rush to the defense of mankind stating "not everyone is like that" and "there are good people out there", that does not discount the fact that even if the numbers are few these people exist and tend to gravitate to these kinds of positions instinctively, so to to quote a great film:
"Two tablespoons of machine oil can contaminate an entire ship's fresh water supply".
~ Men Of Honor
That being said we should also consider the people who are making these decisions tend to be political pawns flipping through the legislation of the lands looking for loopholes to get their way and keep their financial backers happy, so its down to politicians and lawyers to keep the ship steady on these kinds of matters....
Joe Rogan Quote

Honestly, the saying "The road to hell paved with good intention" is something we should be reminding ourselves of when considering the factors at play in this scenario. While it may be beneficial to some degree, there is a great risk of abuse and it seems that the sharks can smell the blood in the water and are circling.
As the TOTT article states already breaches in other countries with similar programs have already occurred, and the Australian track record for these kinds of national programs have had an incredible history of crashing and burning in the past. Yet we are expected to have complete faith and trust that this will not result in similar outcomes.
How about the fact that many are not even aware that a My Health Record is being created for them ?
Again according to the acticle 59% of Australians understand the My Health Record will be created for them if they don't "opt out" meaning that 41% of Australians are not aware they have been signed up for a My Health Record.... which brings us to the consent element of this dilemma. the following clip is regarding consent for sex, but is also applicable for consent in general.
Realistically there is no thought for consent from the My Health Record program, the government system or anyone involved really. We have been signed up for the program with little information of what is going on or how to "opt out". There is a lack of transparency on WHO can access the data and what purposes they intend to use the information for. Ultimately the program is fraught with issues and is most certainly not something that should be taken lightly when considering "if we want to be a part of this or not".
Personally i opted out of this as soon as i heard about it, that being said... i only found out this was happening due to friends telling me as they were "opting out". I would be none the wiser without those conversations... makes you wonder if that is by design or poor planning ? either way , im out, but how about you ? do you think that its a good thing ? or will you be opting out as well ?
Details below on opting out.... hurry deadline is coming.
CALL 1800 723 471
There are times when I wonder if Australia is a testing ground.
It also wouldn't surprise me if they ignored the opt outs and did the health records anyway. We recently renewed our driver's licenses and refused the option for being organ donors. Our licences came, marking us as organ donors. Maybe because we'd said yes the first time, so now they're going to keep making us drink the tea!
Posted using Partiko Android
They're not your organs; they're our organs. You're just keeping them warm for the collective.
Like the Falun Gong in China. Don't look after yourself too well if you're poor, or you'll be used as a nice, healthy organ harvest for the rich the moment you end up in hospital after a little accident.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes it seems that their motto is "we do what we want and give you the illusion of choice in the matter". at least that is what im seeing from my observations on the subject.
I guess they will just keep doing what they do and hope that you dont notice the small print or that your donor card is marked the way THEY want as opposed to what YOU want. Just another way to force feed us i guess.... stay frosty out there ;)
It's a great concept on paper, but so poorly executed. People certainly have the right to be sceptical about the record with data scandals like Facebook's Cambridge Analytical.
I've opted out. Perhaps I'd consent to a health record that is encrypted, decentralised, and linked to a MyGov account (prferrably with improved security).
there are plenty of things which work on paper ;)
I think the governments track record of lies and deceit speaks for itself, the less power we give the government systems the better. Also regarding consent, looking at their actions.... i don't think they give a crap about it , lolz.
Interesting I see some of those tott news articles pop up every now and then from Ethan Nash
I opted out over the internet then I phoned them so I could double check I had been wiped clean... It also deleted my account record that I can view for my daughter on the e health record.
Posted using Partiko Android
all we can do it the best we can to get out of these kinds of programs and systems....
I just opted out, thanks for the heads up.
I believe when AI takes over everyone with teddy bear shaped birth marks on their left butt cheek will be hunted down and killed by robots in a doomsday scenario like Kristallnacht. If they have my medical records I'd be screwed.
Seriously though, I just don't trust leaving that sort of data on a database everyone can see except myself.
im pretty sure you can access your own My Health Record yourself and "choose what data can be seen", at least its what they have claimed. I just dont trust that "they" will do what they say they will do and eventually what has been promised that wont happen will happen.
i mean really.... "History never repeats, i tell myself before i go to sleep" ;)
You make a good point.