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RE: --- Angry German Shepherd Just Needed Love ---

in #psychology6 years ago

Yeah i think it was a combination of neglect of the animal in general, low social interaction, lack of any stimulus (toys enjoyment) and the taunting of the children gave the German Shepherd a considerably negative view of not only hoomans but life in general.

The doggie was starved for connection, interaction, basic decency and love. being devoid of such fundamental principals can have a devistating impact on mankind as is outlined by maslow's hierarchy of needs, i also believe a similar concept can be applicable (although differing in some ways) when applied to the various life forms on the planet. if we are to keep animals as pets it is our responsibility and duty to care for their needs.


I have some good friends that puposedly rescue isolated, aggressive or mistreated fog and they retrain them for safe adoption. I have seen miracles.

Yeah itss amazing that there are people out there doing this kind of work with animals, i would love to be involved with these groups as an animal behaviorist or something along those lines.

I love these guys, i am always in tears watching these guys do their work first in sadness for the animal then in joy when i see the transformation after the rehabilitation.