Which 3 Jobs Suit Your Face?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)



Facebook has these fun quizzes you can take such as What Word Will Describe Your Year of 2018? and What is Your Secret Dark Side? While I don't take the results literally, I do enjoy seeing what the answers are and if there is any truth to them.

Today I took their Which 3 Jobs Suit Your Face? and the results I got were Lawyer, Designer and Actress. I'll explain the truths I see in each one of them:


When I first saw this career, immediately I said YES. I have throughout my life been a person who is strong in justice - even in the small things. When it comes to someone hurting another through words and / or actions, there is nothing more I want to do than place them in the hot seat, make them apologize to those they harmed and have them come to terms of their actions. But I realize even the most intelligent can avoid, distract and run away from the truth which means I have to be a leading living example of what true justice is and take responsibility of myself - of every single thought, word and deed.

It's a challenge for sure. Just today I became aware of a past situation that I am deeply ashamed of. When I put myself in the hot seat by imagining myself in the courtroom before the people I have hurt, I have to forgive myself of what I did, plus come to an understanding of why I did what I did. True forgiveness and change / transcendence cannot work unless you really understand who you were and the reason why you did what you did, and a commitment / realization to never do it again - because you see the consequences of acting in such a manner. For me, I acted out in a state of overwhelmingness and anger, and did something I'm not proud of. So through Self-Forgiveness I took responsibility for my actions, and gave myself a correction if I ever were to go into a situation like that again.


This career I was a bit puzzled about. But looking at it more, I can see that when you design something, you must plan and organize things within it. For example, an interior designer must look at the room and accordingly structure, plan and organize the furniture and home accessories that fit with and into the room. It takes a lot of thought, precision and patience to do the job well.

A memory of playing The Sims game comes up in this regard - The Sims is a computer game where you have the ability to play God and control people's lives, relationships, and the homes they live in. You even have the opportunity to build and design their homes, and this is what I especially liked doing - building and decorating the homes - so much more than controlling characters lives! Come to think of it - if anyone knows of a home building and designing / decorating game or app, let me know!

From this, I like to design my schedule and to-do lists in a way where I get to do everything in a good period of time. It is one of the things I feel like I can never get tired of - scheduling, time-management and organizing. Currently I have a planner specifically for appointments, a to-do list with boxes to check off once the task is done, and a place on the refrigerator where I write down groceries and home-items I need for the week.


A secret wish I've had when I was younger was to become a famous actress. I would daydream about all the love affairs with celebrities I'd have, and the fame / love / attention I would receive from fans. At 12 years old my dad drove me 2 hours to Boston for an audition, and my dreams of being a celebrity crash down:

  • I realized you have to go through an agency, and they will basically mold you as how they want you to be.
  • It's a sh*t ton of money to be in the agency, money my parents didn't want to invest it - and honestly I don't blame them because my heart and passion wasn't in acting once I saw what really goes on in the industry
  • The competition is extreme. Basically you are worthless unless the agency likes you or sees something in you, and you have to stand out in your own way.
  • Your looks and body are judged, harshly. You can feel it and see it once you walk in the audition room. You are judged by everyone - staff, parents, and the people auditioning with you, and no one hides it.
  • As an actress you have to have a ton of self-confidence to be in front of the camera and speak lines. For me, I was not confident.
  • You have to be good at memorizing lines. I had such resistance in memorizing lines, I flubbed a lot during my audition.
  • You have to have a certain attitude within it all. To me it seemed like a higher class and way of existing / being (maybe it was that I sense people thought they were better than us) and that didn't jive with me.

Looking at it now - it was not a fun experience going through it - but it was an amazing life lesson because I got a taste of reality and what it's really like to go into the acting biz.


So there you go, guys. Some more truths and peeks into me, who I am and how I see things.

If you ever take the Facebook quiz, Which 3 Jobs Suit Your Face please let me know what your answers are!

Have a good one, all!

Additional Info:

Learn about Self-Forgiveness here