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RE: Don't Break the Chain: A Simple Hack for Building Habits and Getting Shit Done

in #psychology8 years ago

@madmaxx383 thanks for your kind words. I'm curious when you say you have static in your ears do you mean Tinnitus? Tinnitus isn't only ringing, it's the perception of any kind of noise that isn't actually there. If that is what you mean, and it bothers you, I may be able to help! I have a whole website about it:


yes when i tell people i have tinnitus they think ringing so i tell them static, sounds like a late 60's tv when in between channels....i will check out the site thanks...

No problem at all. Ultimately the question with Tinnitus is does it bother you. Because if it does, you can do something about that. There's no cure or reliable way to reduce the volume, but you can habituate to the sound by working on the emotional response and when you do that, it stops bothering you entirely.