Grateful you had a good smile this morning. If you connect well with Tarot then that is the wonderful magic of Scorpio coming through. But hold on there may be much more coming your way. Blessings.
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Grateful you had a good smile this morning. If you connect well with Tarot then that is the wonderful magic of Scorpio coming through. But hold on there may be much more coming your way. Blessings.
OOoooo I am excited for that! You got me curious! I will be thinking about this for a long time :p
If you trust me with your birtday, time, and place I'll run a quick chart and tell you about yourself. Oh, thats right no time. Hmmnnn... I can "rectify" your chart by asking a few key questions. That will give me the information I need to get within 10 minutes of your birth. Blessings.
You would do that? I am all for it! How do you want to go by it? Discord? :D :D Now this is very exciting! I'm almost bouncing in my chair :p Here is my discord thingy foxyspirit#5726
Very busy today. May be able to get to it tomorrow. If you'd answer some questions that will help. Plus give me your birthdate and place. You can just answer here or if you'd prefer I'll give you my email on Discord. . So here are the questions: did you have a very challenging childhood? On a 1-10 how challenging. Was there challenges with mother or father? How did you do with early learning? Any dsylexia or anything like that? Were you athletic? You are now, right? When did you get married? Exact date. Are you on a major spiritual path? Does this path go against what you were as a child. Your emotions: are you steady as she goes and don't get ruffled at all or are you a wild woman? Connected to animals? How much? Sociable? Musical or artistic talents? Alternative healer? Have you had challenges with marriage partners? Any major accidents? If yes, when? Date?