In some cultures these gender bending individuals were often cast into the role of the witch doctor or the sage. Everyone serves a purpose in most societies.Hi @abigail-dantes. Another thought provoking post from you. I recently wrote a post about the extremely feminine man named Quentin Crisp. A true story about a man who might have preferred being a woman. As a child he loved all things feminine, enjoyed dressing as a girl when he was very young. His was not an easy life because as @churchboy states society knows not what to do with people they don’t understand. His own parents disowned him.
As young people on the streets hustling to make a living some will choose either sex in trade for a warm bed or a fix. In this case I believe sexual identity is a choice. In most instances it occurs to me that there is little choice in gender identity. If it were a choice would someone truly choose to live a life of meager existence where they would be bullied and harassed on a consistent basis. To live a life filled with loneliness for another human being to love and be loved by?
In conclusion it is my opinion that we as a society are moving toward a genderless society. One where sexual identity is no longer important. I say this because perfect children will be created in petrie dishes. No more gender dismorphia or disease, just perfect little children competing with human AI.
Good movies “The Naked Civil Servant” and “Boys Don’t Cry”
Take care my friend. Much love to you. 🐓🐓