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RE: --- Angry German Shepherd Just Needed Love ---

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

@mfxae86 a unique experience I would say that you lived and the experiments very beautiful your story leaves me without words much will and love only God knows why you met that German shepherd sometimes ourselves We hate such things that even Life itself or time takes you to what you most hate TEfelicito for giving much joy to both @neymarth10 peace and love


lifes journey is filled with lessons so we can have a greater understanding of the universe outward , the soul inward , and most importantly one another, it is up to us if we choose to see them or not :) much love in your direction :)

to the order @mfxae86 to life we ​​must understand a cordial greeting from VEnezuela @neymarth10 that great German shepherd saved to give him a lot of love, harmony and happiness and the great friend of man.

Mr German shepherd was certainly a happier puppy with some interaction and affection.