Know your enemy...

in #psychology9 years ago

Neutrals typically are not successful in dirty jobs like killing, caging,
destroying, extorting, and intimidating because their own set of morals
cause them to object to such behavior. In cases where neutrals are forced
to commit atrocities due to circumstances, they usually suffer mentally and emotionally,
as they lack the coping mechanisms that the more obedient utilize. And that
may be the easiest way to judge between neutrals and the obedient, as
the more obedient seem to be well suited taking orders and committing
atrocities. Some even relish in the deed, but even then they find ways of
excusing their actions. However, once again, these are not cartoon
monsters. They have families, they walk their dog, they get stuck in
traffic, they have more debt than they want, they are very often church
supporters, they may think cat videos are cute, but given the order they
will kick in your door, kill your dog, and place a gun to your
grandmother's head. Then when they have justified what they have done
in their duty report, they will congratulate themselves for being a hero
and go home to their children.
These very human, seemingly normal, every-day people are our
enemies. The powerful will incinerate cities to maintain their power.
Those enthralled with the powerful will justify that decision and pass the
order to the obedient, who will not only obey but they will gleefully
commit mass murder and brag about it in their old age. The most
immediately dangerous individuals of the three groups are the obedient,
but you can't win by fighting them because there is an endless supply of
the obedient. You have to fight smart, and not based on the emotions of
the moment. Remember, Henry Kissinger referred to the obedient as
dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns. Hydarnes referred to the
obedient as The Immortals because as soon as one died there was
another fool waiting to step in and take his place. So, again, as much as it
seems that the obedient should be our targets, and as much justified
hate will be rightly aimed at the obedient in the coming years, we have to
look beyond wasting resources and time attempting to engage the
obedient directly, and find ways to touch the power enthralled, and
eventually the untouchables. By doing so we break the chain of
command, freeing the obedient so that they may choose to stop obeying.