This is actually a common misconception. There isn't one style that's going to be better for each person. It's always better to have multiple sources reinforcing the same concept, because this creates more synaptic connections to trigger the new piece of information.
On top of that, nearly all brains have the same sensory priority for triggering memories: First is smell/taste, then sight, then auditory. It's hard to have too many triggers on smell/taste, so sight becomes the default best way to create triggers for memorization.
This is actually a common misconception. There isn't one style that's going to be better for each person. It's always better to have multiple sources reinforcing the same concept, because this creates more synaptic connections to trigger the new piece of information.
On top of that, nearly all brains have the same sensory priority for triggering memories: First is smell/taste, then sight, then auditory. It's hard to have too many triggers on smell/taste, so sight becomes the default best way to create triggers for memorization.