This was an interesting read! I think many people are too quick to dismiss the spiritual/metaphysical connection. The irony, by definition, that makes me "schizophrenic" or someone adhering to "schizophrenic ideals." Which is a wonderful example of establishments pretense of understanding everything and marginalizing things that don't fit a narrative. In physics the ultimate goal is a "theory of everything," but we haven't gotten there yet! LoL..... Generally, an open mind is sign of a healthy mind, not saying in the subjective/infinite regress kind of way, but in the honestly I don't know/curious way!
I also believe "Schizophrenia" is much more common than 8 in 1000. I believe a lot of people have what would be classified as schizophrenic episodes through out their lives. The symptoms table is not defined well enough and we ourselves have issues with self awareness and associations. Fear of sharing experiences is also a factor.
It's usually only extreme cases that become the hallmarks, but what makes these cases unique? We don't understand it, is the honest answer... We might be able to measure some of the processes in the brain, but we are foolish to conclude, ahaa, that means this! There is also the "fact" that the whole body is a brain, no system is independent of itself, it's all connected, and in ways, again, that we don't understand! Awareness/Perception,Association/Connection....
The very things that are foundational to Schizophrenia - interesting. Have you ever asked yourself what if the crazy guy was not crazy?
I agree it's definately a spectrum all our brains are capable of taking us to some point on the 'crazy' side
I completely agree with this, having an open mind is important so we can more easily adopt new ideas.
It might happen, but how many times do you think something like that can happen to a healthy person in his entire life?
If the guy is not crazy then why did he see people looking at him in the mirror? Or why did he thought he had someone on the other side of a phone call that never happened? Why would a healthy person experience those things?