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RE: Detecting Misinformation Improves Memory Recall and Life

in #psychology8 years ago

Excellent post! I am new to the steemit community as of today and what a great first post to click through! Very relevant subject matter, especially considering the frequency of unprecedented events in this age of advanced communications technology. Misinformation seems to nourish an engineered normalcy bias in the collective perception of the general public, and the maintenence of such a bias requires the constant feed of more misinformation. False narratives become norms in this scenario and what appears to be one consequence is a society which loses its ability to think critically. I majored in philosophy and the most valuable skill garnered from philosophical training is the ability to make clearly defined distinctions. Thats all critical thinking really is: making distinctions. I find that there are many young people today who do not exercise their reason in this way. It is as if a form of conditioning has taken place which renders the subject unable to even consider the possibility of x, y, or z. When distinctions are no longer made, questions are no longer asked, and narratives no longer investigated...falsehood is the norm and misinformation abounds. Great piece. Thank you.


Thanks for the great comment, and it's great that you also see many aspects of the standardized norms of acceptability into falsity stagnating our progress, betterment and truer, realer and higher potential we can work towards. I often use symbolic language that I have come to understand through etymology and the power of imagery and symbolism.

Great to have you on steemit, you are going to be a great addition. I've challenged some aspects of the status quo that I am trying to demonstrate as not positive for the overall future and success, and have garnered a bit of a negative view from some. Take care. Peace. Followed you to see what you put out ;)