You are SPOT ON! This issue has been a theme in my life for the past couple of years. I met a friend who literally showed me all thw ways people were taking advantage of me. It has changed me significantly. I grapple with how to be kind AND watch carefully for ulterior motives at the same time. It seems most people have an agenda, but if you are an upfront person yourself, it is very difficult to recognize their agendas.
My friend was able to help me after living through a few terrible situations caused directly from being kind herself. Where to from here? I'm not sure, but kind naive people are definitely prey. Sadly.
with yourself because now you have knowledge... you know and understand something about your own habits and processes... and that's a large and important step towards healing.@onetree, you're already on your way to a better relationship
A lot of people DO have agendas. I've always tended to take people pretty much at face value, and sometimes that has been to my detriment... not so much, anymore. Nothing wrong with being discerning, and giving what you give only to people you feel are deserving.
Thank you, that is a VERY good point. :)