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RE: How to get out of a funk?

in #psychology7 years ago

Perfect timing for me... just started reading on Steemit, I'm only new. And then this.

I don't know why of all days I decided to finally accept my approval and start on here... perhaps it was just to read this.

I've realised my funk in the present is because I am so disatisfied with what I'm doing. I've explored my values, and my goals, and my 'why' exhaustively for the past few years.

But the fact is I'm tired. Exhausted. Over it. Sick and tired of focusing on my goals and values and 'whys' and 'what-foes'.... I'm not actually being me.

I've started working with a Psychotherapist, and she brought up something that struck me hard - I realised I have no HOBBIES.

Nothing I do, just for the love of doing it.

Everything I LOVED.... I turned into a business and have been monetising for the past few years. And so I have drained all the pleasure out of what brought me pleasure - no surprise there's no pleasure left.

So now, I'm trying to get back to who I am and what I love, so I can enjoy that again.

The biggest revelation in surrendering to it of course has been that I need to die (figuratively)... so much of my work-life has become my identity, and there are aspects of me wanting to jump out and start playing.

So that's where I'm at, that's what I'm doing (or not-doing) at present in my funkiness.

Take care, y'all 😊🙏🏽☯️


Welcome to Steemit @peterloupelis maybe the book I referred in my comment may help. “The Call” by Os Guinness. I can identify with some of the things you said.