Why do people live in the past and long for the Soviet Union?

in #psychology2 years ago

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Nostalgia for the past has always been and will be a part of our lives. We often reminisce about those moments when we were happy and comfortable. Perhaps that's why people miss life in the USSR, even if it wasn't easy for them.

One of the factors that make people nostalgic for life in the USSR is stability. At that time, the state provided citizens with everything they needed, including work, housing, and healthcare. Everything was controllable and predictable. In modern society, people often face uncertainty and insecurity about tomorrow, which can cause a feeling of dissatisfaction and a desire for stability.

Another important factor is propaganda. Propaganda in the USSR was a powerful tool for influencing the masses. State control over the media, censorship, and information manipulation made it possible to create an image of an "ideal society," where everyone was equal, everyone had a job and housing, and everyone lived happily. This image was conveyed to every person through various channels, including schools, media, art, and culture.

Propaganda used emotional images and vivid scenes to create an image of a "happy life" where everything was accessible and perfect. At the same time, propaganda materials ignored or distorted the negative aspects of life in the USSR, such as a lack of goods, a shortage of goods, lack of freedom of speech and choice, bureaucracy, and corruption.

This image of an "ideal society" still exists in the minds of many people, especially the elderly who spent a significant part of their lives in the USSR. Propaganda left a deep imprint on people's minds, and even after the collapse of the USSR, many still believe in its promises and ideals. In addition, some people may feel nostalgia for the time when they were younger and life seemed simpler and more carefree.

Focusing on the positive aspects can also make people nostalgic for life in the USSR. Memories of how it was always warm in the summer, how children played outside, and how everyone was happy and satisfied - all these positive moments can become bright and attractive, but often distort reality.

Of course, life in the USSR was far from ideal. But human memory and nostalgia for the past lead people to miss times that were far from ideal. Instead of trying to return to the past, it is best to use its experience and lessons to improve the present and future.

Living in the past can be unproductive and even dangerous. It can lead people to not focus on the present and to not build their future lives. To avoid this, it is important to learn to accept the past as it was, but not get stuck in it and continue moving forward.


Visiting from Team Possible Legion, btw. 😉Such an important issue that affects all of us as humans. Thank you for addressing this, @pioner888777