Thank you for telling us about this brother, many things we need to learn and improve for the health of the body, better before all the diseases stop in our body then the best step is to do the examination. in examining neurological diseases, history of disease data is important. Usually the patient comes to the doctor at the time the illness is in progress, sometimes even when the disease is healed and the complaints he suffered are residual symptoms. In addition, there are also diseases whose symptoms occur at certain times; so, in the form of an attack. Outside the attack, the sufferer is in good health. If the patient comes to a doctor outside of an attack, it is difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis of the illness, except with the help of the report presented by the patient (anamnesis) and the person who witnessed it (allo-anamnesis). Also required a general physical examination and neurological examination to assess the presence or absence of interference in the nervous system. Common investigations required are CT-Scan, MRI, electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyography (EMG), etc.