Soundbites 9

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)
  1. Death will be no more it says in the Bible. That's no more Friday night curries then – dead chickens on a plate and all that IF death will be no more as it says it claims. .

  2. There is only one crime, that's poverty.

  3. Life does what it does, it is what it is, it is its own hammer and its own anvil.

  4. It's easy to be a ‘nice guy’ if you are affluent, well fed and so on. It's not so easy if you are in a desperate situation.

  5. Cele-brit-ies british people who celebrate.

  6. It's hard to accept, but even when you are wrong, you are right to be wrong, such is the nature of a computer simulation.

  7. I had a big house and flashy car and lots of money, but I was a waif spiritually. Thinking allowed.

  8. There is such a thing as mental real estate. People baulk at giving up their possessions and their money but others give away their minds all the time.

  9. They were all patsies on 9-11, they were one movement, one formation. We are one movement, one formation. To blame individuals is like a juggler blaming his arm when he drops a ball.

  10. Fire, Air, Water. Hurricane, Tsunami, Forest Fires – the alchemy of nature. Our lives are the constant balancing act of the three elements which is why we have the union flag as it affords protection from the elements.

  11. All this fuss and bother in our world is consciousness reconciling itself to itself.

  12. The unreal mind. Most people, not all, you will find, believe in their unreal mind. The unreal mind believes its own lies. Such lies are things like late and early - no such thing, always ALWAYS on time. Up and Down - no such thing, only relative points of observation that look like up and down. Good and bad this is a tough one to see, but if all occurrence happens for life's greatest good (long term) rather than our ideas of good and bad, then our personal ideas of good and bad don't really exist. Concepts like randomness, that is unreal, nothing is ever random, it is just our hell minds perceive it that way. Carl Jung said it a long time ago, 'in all disorder, there is a secret order'. You know, this is difficult for people to accept, 'there is no such thing as random, it is a collective hallucination'. People say, 'it is all good' you've heard that right? It's all good, it's all Go(o)d (and that includes the devil), then we can see that good and bad don't really exist. So, these are the sort of things which are programmed into our unreal minds and in a lot of ways, we are psychologically subjugated by our unreal (and programmed) perceptions. When your unreal mind is challenged, you start to think you are going mad, but you are not, you are going sane. Your unreal mind is your hell-met (psychological helmet) and it is a living hell when you are trapped in it. Everyone has a piece of heaven and I am glad I got the psychological heaven rather than the sexual heaven or the financial heaven or emotinal heaven or any other form of heaven. Mind takes priority over matter (nice big houses etc).

  13. People have been psychologically tortured. For example, it says on cigarette packets 'stop smoking now it will kill you'. But, the torturer knows his own tricks. The torturer says, 'I completely lord over you and that means that when I say you smoke you must smoke' not telling the victim that they are powerless, entirely, to resist. And so they end up tortured psychologically. 'I am trying to stop but I can't'. That's because the force says you can't stop until I say stop.