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RE: In Defense of "Permissive" Parenting; Children are Human Too

in #psychology9 years ago

Awesome Post!
This is one of the most important topics for humanity to be discussing.
I regularly say "All problems begin with parenting, thus all solutions lie in New Paradigm Parenting"
Children are in my opinion abused every day. I have been speaking at conferences on education/parenting for over a decade and regularly tell parents they are abusing their children. This is always very difficult for them to hear and many get defensive. I of course elaborate as to why I say such things.
The truth is children are born conscious and are learning/evolving every moment. Unfortunately they are learning based on the environment they grow up in and for most this is in school, church, in front of the TV etc.
The closest thing most children ever get to a choice is "You can choose between option A or option B. If you don't choose A or B then you get punished". Punishment comes in many forms from as violent as beatings to as passive aggressive as guilt/shame or withholding of resources or bribes and rewards.
Now being a parent my self I can say that some kind of boundaries are important but I have found GREAT success with simply being honest and when there is a child who is ACTUALLY free they naturally make honorable choices.
I have not ONCE had to discipline nor punish any of my children with anything even as seemingly "harmless" as timeout, taking of stuff, disallowing or treats, or even a word of disappointment!
It is truly amazing to see the results of such a life. Both my girls were peeing and pooing in their baby potties at 3 weeks of age! This is proof of how conscious and capable children can be. They of course could not get them selfs to the potty on their own at that age but any time we gave them the opportunity when they had to go they would. It actually required a lot more conscious awareness and responsibility on our part as parents than it did for them.
Problem children are not the problem, it is problem parents~
May we live in a world that stops blaming children and treating them as incapable, responsible pets that need to be controlled~
Thanks again for your contributions to this New Paradigm!