I can't say that sentence without breaking out into song! Lol! I woke up this morning still in that dreamy zone where you feel the emotions of what was happening, it usually takes a minute or two to come round and realise, 'ok, it wasn't real' haha!
I've always been fascinated by dreams, our subconscious (and conscious mind for that matter!). The fine details of a dream right up to the insignificant/most random details. I sometimes can't remember a dream straight away and can take the best part of the day for me to remember, and the memory of it is usually triggered by something completely irrelevant and spur of the moment. However, this time I woke and still felt like it was happening.
I used to wonder if dreams were more than 'just a dream' and perhaps they had a deeper level, I do think this is the case, but I think they just bring our buried thoughts/experiences/feelings to the surface and our subconscious goes wild!
So, I'm just going to share with you my dream, and if there's any 'dream decipherers' out there, then go right ahead lol! Always good to hear different perspectives!
I was in South Africa for the best part of 10 months and am now back in England, so that probably explains why my dream was based in South Africa seeing as that is where my head space is a lot of the time.
The dream took place in a place called Keurboomstrand in South Africa, a place I have visited a couple of times. However toward the end of the dream, I was in England. I (and many others) had been abducted by two men (I presume they were men based on the physique) and they were dressed as 'killer clowns', which just so happens to be something that I cannot stomach!
(this is as close to what it was like, thanks Google!) No images of killer clowns... The thought is enough! Lol.
We were all kept on a farm and stored in what appeared to be a barn where the killer clowns would come in and select someone to torture and kill. The barn was slowly emptying leaving only me and a few others left. It was at this point that the 'fight or flight' instinct kicked in and I was looking for ways to escape. I reached into my pocket as I remembered I still had my phone, and in my contacts was the local security company from where I actually do stay when in the country. I became very aware of two individuals in the barn, they were clearly working under cover for the two clowns and I remember desperately trying not to appear as though I was planning something. I dialed the number of the security company, the conversation was so clear and detailed it felt almost real. I explained where I was as best as I could, and informed them that right next to the barn was a farm stall called "Where there's fruit there's food'... Not bad for something my brain randomly concocted lol!
I remember saying to the security guy that I couldn't pronounce its actual name as it was in Afrikaans, but I was able to translate it instead. I made the decision to make for an escape with a few others immediately after the phone call. We were looking for anything that looked like it led outside when I found a window and asked another girl what was directly underneath us as I could see we were in a two story place. Somehow this girl knew it was a bedroom and that no one was inside, 3 of us jumped out the window and started running, we were running down a narrow street with houses either side, it reminded me of certain areas here in England.
(thanks Google!)
One of the girls went her separate way and so it was just me and one other. I ran with her to her house as I had no idea where I was or where to go. I went with her up to her front porch where she went inside looking for her parents, however they weren't there. We both sat outside when a car pulled in the drive way, in the dream I had an overwhelming sense to approach the car, I went up to the drivers window and noticed the car was covered in blood. The man in the front had cuts all over his face, black eyes and looked extremely vacant. Somehow I knew something bad had happened and I knew that I shouldn't be there, but I couldn't leave.
I asked the man what had happened, but I had no response, I walked round to the side of the car and looked inside, to my horror I saw two deceased babies. I looked again and they had disappeared, like they weren't really there to begin with, almost as if I was being shown what had happened. I knew then that this man and his partner had tragically lost them, and that this man had murdered his wife as a result of the trauma. There were no words spoken during this part of my dream, it was all very sensual and visual (though I am a very sensual and visual being so I guess that makes sense).
Just going to leave this here ;)
The man from the car was the girls older brother, the girl that I had been abducted with and was now sitting on the front porch. The man walked up to his sister where she was crying, he told her that there parents were dead and I knew he had killed them too (these were the only words spoken). I stayed and sat with her, not knowing what to do for the best. After a moment another woman came out from inside the house and promptly loaded up her car with bags and drove off with the older brother. Myself and this girl remained standing outside the house, and all I could feel were the emotions from the other girl. I had/still have no idea who this girl was, or anyone else other than my nan, who was also being held in the barn.
And then I woke up! I always feel silly when telling others what I've dreamed of, it really is one of those 'you had to be there' moments, only that's near on impossible as I can't share my subconscious... Lol! Although, I have thoughts on that too, but we'll save that for a rainy day! Well, today IS a rainy day, but hey ho, that's England! ;) (I'm really not doing ok without sunshine!!)
Good Gosh! That sounds like a terrible dream 😅 Never ending terror, lol
Yes, it was! 2 years on and I can still remember that dream lol