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As long as life exists, all adults (very few exceptions) have the task of seeking sustenance. Whether for himself alone, for his family, or ensuring the project continues to support the company and its employees.
The creativity of a group of young people making internet-based applications can undermine the glory of big companies. Open thousands of new job positions. At an individual level, my friends feed their children to make meatballs cooperate with the food shuttle service company. We also read the news about young people who are very creative in making games and apps sold internationally.
Actually there is a cheerful story too. Behind the success story, at the same time there are large numbers of people losing their jobs. Unsanitary taxi driver with a device unable to switch jobs. Almost all toll booths no longer need human, which is enough duty e-money machine . Many others have no place of work, nor have they been able to create sustenance for themselves.
Economic behavior
Today's economic system reinforces the behavior of "search for maximum profit" more than ever. If it was commonly thought of entrepreneurs, now it is also thought of consumers. Consumers are given wide space demands the best, cheapest, most profitable, fastest, most comfortable.
This is possible because the company no longer hires workers, it is important that there is a performance basis to calculate performance over time. The company does not need to be responsible for the health and future of the workers because the mechanism is a contract that can be broken at any time.
Jorjoran entrepreneurs in the competition to reach buyers, by providing their own system ( e-pay ) and the promotion of the crazy, who knows whether humane? What is the impact on consumer behavior?
I myself, after three years adamantly refused, finally sometimes use also online applications. This is because I want to save money. From home to UI Depok, where I work, a regular taxi might cost Rp 120,000 or Rp 130,000 or more, depending on the traffic jam. With online transport , generally I have to pay Rp 85.000 or Rp 90.000 only.
A friend told me about another friend, who asked his son to order food online. In the brochure promised, if the food does not get in place within 30 minutes, the buyer does not have to pay alias free. His friend taught his son: "At least 30 minutes also not nyampai , the streets are jammed really. Hurray, means we can get free dong! "
Promotion is very profitable for users, not to mention if not pay cash, but use e-card. Consumers whose money is very mediocre will be good at strategizing how to spend the least money with the most profitable performance.
In the meantime, the real money is sufficient, even excessive, also get accustomed to more and more demanding (angry if the service is not fast) and more reluctant to share (5000-10000 is very calculated). The less concerned ("I have to be served the most as I want, if I do not report"), sometimes even cheat (expect food to be late for free).
The human economic behavior has changed completely, and if we are not careful, it will or has eliminated the good values and concerns that we have always believed to be to be maintained and upheld.
The high competition and various tantalizing promotions further shrink the profit margin. The most directly affected are workers considering those in need of sustenance from the built system. With very large numbers, one or two workers lost, sick, or dissatisfied with the system will soon be replaced by other workers.
Who works as an online motorcycle taxi driver may at first feel happy to get wages from his hard work. Over time he worked harder and harder, unable to rest, drove in the sun, to be able to earn bonuses and bring enough money. No matter physical endurance, no health insurance or future guarantees.
Some begin not to survive because of illness, fatigue, or feel have not found a way to get the maximum benefit as a worker. Some are frustrated and angry and then out of control, feel treated inhuman by the user.
Embracing humans
In other countries, the internet-based economy may work well. In Indonesia with a very large population and wide variety of competencies and skills, it seems that a comprehensive multidisciplinary study is required. Thus the understanding, which can be developed, with rules like what, and which one should not be developed because more risks.
We forget that with the right approach, humans may be able to invite us to work hard and diligently. But no matter how, not everyone can be expected to be smart, creative, and innovative. What's like this, is not there any right to get sustenance?
Advanced technology-based economic systems minimize human needs and replace them through the presence of technology. It takes care and brilliant ideas to ensure that technological presence does not change our behavior to be more individual and indifferent.
The ceativity of a group of young people making internet-based applications can undermine the glory of big companies.
The creativity of a group of young people making internet-based applications can undermine the glory of big companies. Open thousands of new job positions. At an individual level, my friends feed their children to make meatballs cooperate with the food shuttle service company
The creativity of a group of young people making internet-based applications can undermine the glory of big companies. Open thousands of new job positions. At an individual level, my friends feed their children to make meatballs cooperate with the food shuttle service company. We also read the news about young people who are very creative