Don't do what i wouldn't like.
As its being said that every kids growing up is being expose to virus in every stage of their growth .Be it in streets or any environment such kid is attached to, significantly this virus has help in reducing or even erasing form of "responsibility" in many kids growing up to be a good person.
A "virus" is a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data. Agreed? Children don't learn everything from home, they learn much on what they are being told, what they are expose to and what they have seen. And every kids except for an "imbecile" has capability to copy and what they are to copy is firmly has an effect on them very wrongly.
Let me explain responsibility. This is best explained as the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.. And its also the state of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. I personally describe responsibility as "act of controlling or dealing with whatever comes ones path"
Either good or stupid we all deals with our personal life different way. Which also leave a significant reference in our path.
How is responsibility and virus got attached?? Like i already wrote "Children don't learn everything from home, they learn much on what they are being told, what they are expose to and what they have seen".
Yeah children don't learn everything from home,sure. But strongly, what they had at home is the best thing that could ever happens to every child only if its genuinely given to them in a right way.. I learnt that baby-bull are lovely and cuddly and when they grow up they became what nature wants them to be. Kids are human not like bull(animal) they may be lovely to have in our home but do they eventually grow up to what each parent wants the child to be?
Children grow up with right minds but when a child is being infected by virus, suddenly a good kid will turn to a bad one.. Bullying other kids around (maybe this is normal) but am talking about "virus" here am talking about what a child stick to forever, what he or she chooses to be.
A boy grow up to be a man and enjoy life, have so much fun. When it come to making some right decisions he fail..
Why would a guy abandon his wife and kids on gambling and drinking? Why would a grown up man beat his wife? Why will a grown man go into drugs? Why would a man not have any form of responsibility?
These are questions that breaks my heart daily.. Now I believe it all started from the home.
Home-education, which I called (parential education) never cover much part in children's education, but this is a rooty and firm one in every childs heart. A child should be seen as a business. "No business is too big, no business is too small and there is no greater faith than business".
A business man sees mistake in what he does and makes a correction immediately to avoid failure. Same here, every parent should practice. If every parent(rich or poor) sees their children as business and invest in them that can Change the whole word.
Let a dad say to his son after a long walk together. Hey son "don't do what i wouldn't like" and mom to her damsel girl.. Hey baby girl "don't do what i wouldn't like" if this kind of words are being said to children am sure on day they will ask question on it or maybe there will be a time we will need to give a better explanation over it.
My boy, you've grown so big, cool. I have always told you not to do things i won't like. So, son here a few things i would hate .
I would hate it if you steals pencil in class; this will probably send a message that, stealing ain't good.
I would hate it, if you were not in class when you ought to be in class; another lesson to take school serious.
I won't like it if you keep bullying other kids in neighborhood; friends are better than foes.
Sweetheart you won't be at every party, and if you be at any i will hate it if you stayed up so late.
Things like this makes them figure out what right path. Teach kids how to talk when to talk. How to deal with personal issue. Morals lesson helps to safe rough life and it helps turning every child into a good human.
All parent should start today, not to feel bad when things already go wrong.
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The clarify of building a child in a good way begins from the day he or she enter this world. Many parent think child dont understand some of our action. The memory of a child so sharp and recorded every action carried out in the presence. We need to be very careful we dealing with children. Thanks for this note
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