I'm not sure if I understand what you're saying. I'm a little foggy on what is meant by "a person who praises his face..."
Ok, I searched around and found this:
" It is not advisable to praise people in their faces without reservations because they may think they are perfect"
The source in the Talmud (Eruvin 18b):
"Rabbi Yirmiyahu ben Elazar said:" Some of the praise of a person is said in his face and everything is not in his face. "
Is this the saying you are talking about?
Here is a sentence in Latin that is relevant. It reads:
"Si linguis hominum loquar, et angelorum, caritatem autem non habeam, factus sum velut æs sonans, aut cymbalum tinniens."
In English it reads:
"I may speak with every tongue that men and angels use; yet, if I lack charity, I am no better than echoing bronze, or the clash of cymbals."
Thank you very much for the reply to the post,
Exactly, sorry for the non-answer as obvious as mine