Small Talk Is THE WORST (MBTI edition)

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

I just got back from a reunion and was exposed to a LOT of different types of conversation. Much of it was the typical getting-to-know-you conversation which is okay to an extent. However, it gets to a point where talking about education and jobs becomes a bore. The best conversations I had were intuitive and creative, the ones spent up late around a campfire.


Then it occurred to me that clearly not everyone feels the same way. It made me wonder what personality types enjoyed small talk, didn't care, or avoided it completely. I found an article going into the types in depth. It put it into words better than I ever could! Personality Growth states, "ENTJs do not mind small talk at all, and often enjoy some relaxing chatter over coffee. After a while though, ENTJs will become drained by too much meaningless conversation. ENTJs truly enjoy theoretical and philosophical discussions, and prefer to dig deeper. They are willing to wait for these types of conversations though, since they understand that not everyone wants to partake in such communication. When they do find people who ignite their passion about various subjects, ENTJs will certainly want to hold onto those people."

This could not have been more accurate. I don't mind small talk with close friends. I like going out to lunch or coffee and catching up with their lives. At the same time, these are people that I understand very intimately so I don't feel suffocated by the act of small talk. If I get tired of small talk and the insignificance of the conversation I become highly sarcastic, avoid answers, or divert the subject. Complex philosophical discussions are where my soul feels at home, questioning the mysteries of the universe. Only a handful of people have ever met this seamlessly and have a special place in my heart, one I question to be an INTP.

What are your thoughts on small talk? Check out Personality Growth's "How Each Personality Type Feels About Small Talk" here and let me know what you think.


Interesting post. My ex-boss (I have a lot of these) gave me the briggs-meyers test at work one day, and we agreed I was an IN... something or other. I can only stand small talk if I know that it is a segue into more meaningful discussion. I feel like I was more accepting of it at one time, however. But know I find myself thinking, "where is this going?" It also seems that patience is no longer a virtue when it comes to our conversational etiquette. I have been in the middle of my first sentence of a conversation and have been given the, "Yea, yea, yea" by people. You know, yea, yea, yea = "ok, hurry the fuck up I don't have time for this long story!" Many of us feel like we don't have time for meaningful discussion anymore. Many feel like if they get bogged down in a discussion, they might miss something on their phone. I like steemit cause I can type as much as I want, and no one is forced to read (listen) it. It can just sit there until someone reads it, sets it down, and maybe it gets picked up again. It's the utility without the force that I like. When you are sitting with someone it's different; it's like you're holding each other hostage. If I am in one of these situations, where I feel like I want to vacate but I can't, I tend to just ask a lot of questions.

Interesting. What did you think of your results? Some ppl think MBTI is total BS. When I got my results it was like it was explaining my entire life, good and bad. I had to take it for a leadership class. For me it can be a great tool for self improvement and understanding how we interact with others. I think I'm the same way, I can put up with a certain amount of small talk only if it's worth it in the end. Wow :/ that sounds like a really intense person. Steemit has been unlike any community I've seen. If people disagree they can state why reasonably and further the conversation rather than social media namecalling. There is a lot more pressure in person. I tend to only hang out with people where I don't have to think about it too much. Some people it just seems natural like you've known them forever and some conversations are like pulling teeth.

I think, for the most part, it was accurate. I also agree that it gives you some insight into your personality, that otherwise you may not have had in order to work on things that we don't want to be. It's like a mirror for our personality (instead of our bodies).


I feel like if there was Turkish EDM music with cats playing in the background you would have had a better time.

That was the highlight of the trip! xD And now I'm listening and laughing my ass off at work. Try to keep a straight face....