I think the modern viking is the libertarian. (Not the nationalist as many seem to believe) Vikings were more libertarian than nationalists. They had many small kingdoms and they did not pay taxes. They had slaves, but slaves could be freed, and many slaves even was held in high regard. Women were pretty free, and some (shieldmaidens) even fought. They had a very free and advances society contrary to what many believe, more resemblance towards libertarianism or anarcho capitalism than nationalism and totalitarianism.
The only way we can win back the West is to make the markets 100% free, and abandon the welfare state completely. Nationalism is just another ism which include a leader, taxes and regulations. Sure, it could be a temporarily solution, and if it was up to me, I'd chose nationalism over the current system (idiotism, self-destructionism) :)
But, your question..where are the vikings? They are here. I wouldn't worry too much..they are still here, and more than you'd believe. The west always fight back, and when they do it's brutal. That's why I root for libertarianism, because then we can get our societies back to functioning again without violence and nationalism.