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RE: How to get out of a funk?

in #psychology7 years ago

Being in a funk happens to everyone, by realizing that everyone has good and bad days, you can figure out where you currently are when it comes to having writers block. Whenever I find myself slumping, I either explore my neighborhood, have a conversation with a good friend, or temporarily indulge in a hobby or something that I enjoy.

As I go throughout my day, I note down anything interesting that happened. Pulling back and going in a different direction for a little while helps me gain perspective and new insights that I can bring back with me.

As of current, I am working on taking my huge ideas and making them into smaller writing prompts so that I can produce more content and go into detail on more aspects than normal. This is part of my plan for overhauling my blog, and when I feel like I have "nothing to write" I can pull an idea card I made. Hope this helps, I will be making a post about this soon c: