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RE: --- Angry German Shepherd Just Needed Love ---

in #psychology β€’ 6 years ago

Awe this could be a kid's movie, easily. I love stories of compassion and understanding. And i love german sheps! Highly intelligent doggies πŸ’š I love how you conducted an experiment like that. I was often doing things like that as a kid. Approaching things in a scientific way. "Experiment number 6: talk to random kids while walking home." Lolz

Thanks so much for sharing this story and showing that doggy some love πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

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@staceyjean , Yep there are definitely sentient beings beyond ourselves on the planet, unfortunately us hoomans tend to be a bit self centered and don't acknowledge these kinds of things :( when we take the time to look beyond our own perspective we see some amazing things in life :) mostly that we aren't as smart as we think we are ;)

^^^ --- spoiler alert --- we are not, lolz ^^^

The truth of the matter is we are all scientists, we may use variation in the methods, have differing results , have conflicting conclusions, etc. but fundamentally we all utilize a series of experiments to reach any conclusion in our lives then extrapolate that data to other areas of our lives, for example: any persons favorite food is based on repeated exposure to a particular food and comparison with the experience of other foods and reach a subjective opinion. While we are all scientists, some of us use more reliable methods to reach a more objective conclusion ;)

hugs, glad you liked reading bout my experience with this soft hearted puppy with a tough exterior :)