What good information, in this life we lead, we do not escape the suffering, we all touch either the physical loss of a family member or some disappointment and it is good to know that therapies exist such as mindfulness that helps us to live our experiences fully and not as we are accustomed, superficially without realizing in real time what happens to us.
It's true we usually pay attention to the activities of the moment, only with a small part of ourselves, while the mind and thoughts are in something else, that's something that happens to me frequently, I'm doing any activity in the house and instead of concentrating on it, I am thinking about my studies. there are also people who hide their feelings or disguise them, in my opinion we must accept what happens to us and look for strategies that help us overcome the bad circumstances of this life, expensive with the help of a professional
Meditation I have tried a few times but I do not concentrate most of the time as I would like, suddenly everything that I have to do comes and I deconcentrate
I struggle with meditation as well @stefany12 but, I still make an effort to take 3 to 5 minutes every day to do the breathing/focus exercise. Some days it feels like it takes forever I even check if I really set my alarm! Others, it goes quicker. But I do think that we can also meditate during our daily activities, like you said, in the house. It doesn't have to last the whole time; but, for example if you are going to wash the dishes, at least, the first few plates you think : I am here, doing this house activity, the water is running, the bubbles of the soap are drifting ... it might sound funny, but it is all exercise for the mind. In the long run it helps our focus and attention :)
All the best to you!
If I have to put a little dedication to meditation, according to what I read brings those who practice a general welfare that I would like to feel to be able to more gently carry my loads, thank you very interesting abigail-dantes your post.