I've heard stories from my friends who have tried this drug, and they make it sound awesome. I've been tempted to experiment and see what it does for me, but the idea of taking a stimulant stronger than green tea or chocolate freaks me out. Being prone to anxiety, I even request anesthetic without epinephrine in it at the dentist (it also has the benefit of wearing off sooner than the regular kind).
The female side of my family has been prone to anxiety for at least the past five generations....that's as far back as we have first-hand witnesses. My grandmother, my mother, and I are all on tranquilizers. I've only been on them for six years, and my mom for two, but my grandmother has been on them for nearly four decades! I don't want to end up like that, and I do want to get off of them. Once you're on them, though, it's so hard to taper down, because you get all anxious again when you do. It's a goal, but one I'm working very slowly toward. My mom and grandmother have both tried to get off of them, and were unable to do it. I hope to be different.