Questioning the seemingly absolute truth is that which actually reveals the true one.
Concepts and theories are that which a great amount of science, modern cosmology and understandings of our existence and life are based on. It is often times forgotten that those are ultimately simply "logically graspable" approaches and designs through which we try to clarify the origin and patterns of existence and ourselves.
It is also obvious, that most humans don't truly question those approaches and concepts. By those system and view point of the world a being born into this world becomes surrounded by.Thus they have been present from the very beginning of one's experience, which mostly results in an innerstandingly difficulty to actually extract the truth out of it or think independently, as even that is often times not being taught by parents or schools.
So what do I want to point out and show you? Just my perspective on it all, but a skeptical one. I have been through many transformative phases (and probably will too in the future). I have been humbled many times regarding the fact of not knowing everything and finally listening to someone that knew "better" in that particular situation. Because of this I truly question everything (including and mostly myself), which may not be the most practical solution in every moment, but I try to keep the balance.
What I see to be taking place is that beings buy into an idea of other beings, without even questioning it. This is a direct result of many unclear and misleading, disempowering and externalizing approaches and ways of living, be it transmitted through school, the govern ment, the parents or society overall. However, we have to remember that we are not stagnant and overall in every situation responsible for our choices; even for the unconscious ones. That being said, one can come to the realization to be the own solution and answer. As we are responsible for the intake and belief of "outer" information, we are also capable of question those and the patterns they bring affecting our (energy) field. That is when an individual becomes aware of it's environment and the influence it has on them. And when that process and awareness has once taken place and has been ignited; the rest will follow with focus and dedication to honesty and transmutation through love. Releasing those concepts and patterns that don't serve one anymore on their journey of development and instead create and engage in empowering and challenging ones.
Then the journey of true discovery will begin; when one directs the senses at least as intensively to the inner working as they do to their surroundings. In this manner one will discover the hidden corners, enlighten the yet unconscious and awaken the potential that has always been, unlocking the "junk" part of the DNA and actually evolving not only on a mental and soul level, but also altering the physical body. Thus transformation and development will be taking place on all spheres of being. Honesty and love might be the most important aspects on this journey, for honesty and trust in being opens up the possibility of questioning the current state and love heals and transforms it. Love unlocks. That is when internalization of the source of our experience takes place; of the problem and the solution. As one will increasingly start to realize is the fact of them always being the one that chooses, initiates and cocreates their reality, being their experience. That is subjective and thus not the absolute truth and if being claimed to be so it will hinder true development which is the unlocking and embodying of that which is beyond one's current horizon. As I have experienced up until now the path of truth is the process of literally developing ourselves to the core which all is. It is the dismantling of truth and releasing of any subjective thus only to some degree true or conditioned information/state of being/perception. That is why love is so important: it does not attach to any outcome or fixed idea, for it is the truth, the connection between individuals remembering them of the core they are and all is. That is awakening out of a might infinite number of dreams, the process of bringing consciousness to the unconscious, therefore also transforming the bodies on all levels (for they are mostly unconsciously stored information). Love is instant, faster than light, it is always and the potential of everything.
Concluding, perception is conditioned and thus a direct product of one's current state of being. Energy can have infinite possibilities to be experienced and only the state of awareness determines how it will be. The moment perception is not anymore, that is when truth is.
So question yourselves, question the status quo. Remember yourself; what you experience and your opinion of it is you. And if you feel like breaking out of the shell of suffering, embrace love within and become open for the truth to reveal itself within and around.