I love your posts so much! :D Sorry, just had to say it! :D
The money aspect of all diseases is a... hard one.
There's money to be made from a sick person, no denying that, so it makes sense that some think that we are only made sick for others to profit from us. Especially in the US and countries where you need to pay for whatever medical treatment you receive. I live in Slovenia and these things are free of charge, yet still people believe the same - that we are "kept" sick for profits.
And while this could be a solid point, keeping people sick, but alive, just to maximize profits... at the same time such a person cannot work, cannot make money, doesn't spend money.
It's all a vicious cycle of modern consumerism. Make money, spend money. And to make money, well, you need to be "healthy".
At least that's how I see it.
I think that most of the misconceptions about psychology arise because Psychology is a science that studies the most complex organ in our bodies. We don't understand how it works on "a molecular level", much less how it works to make us... us. Which is what Psychology is all about.
And with us humans there's always a lot of misconceptions about stuff we don't understand.
Some people admit to having no idea, some people pretend to know and come up with a "logical explanation", and some try their very best to scientifically prove something.
Problem is, scientific proof takes a hell of a lot longer than making assumptions. And once people are content with their little assumptions, or lies they were fed... they become defensive about them, no matter if you prove them wrong. Not to mention you need to cross paths with the truth in the first place. Sadly, it's not so easy to find :p
Oh and.. about drugs...
Much like your stomach, kidney, liver, .... ... Our brain is an organ.
Sometimes it might need a little chemical help on its way to success.
Bravo!Oh my, my @svashta.
Let me just say, that the last two sentences of your post say so much in the most straight-forward way possible! I wish I had thought that :P
Also, thank you for pointing this out:
And I am learning that some people are just absolutely in love with their assumptions! But, I have also seen that some of them are more flexible that I had initially thought, which is wonderful.
All the best to you my dear.
Indeed, we are all hardwired to resist change... Also resist the change of opinion. So once there a person establishes one opinion, it will cling onto it and resist to give it up. :3
It then depends on the individual if he's ready to at least embrace another point of view or not, but there's always some resistance toward an idea that says something different than what you believed in so far. ^^
All the best to you also! :D Can't wait to read your next post, whenever that is :D
I am making an effort to post every Friday @svashta :)
Hmmm. I might just need a reminder for Saturday then to make sure I check your blog :P
I might just try and come up with something psychology-based myself :p
I am, after all, very much interested in all this ^^
Oh Gosh @svashta it would be great to have more quality content in the psychology tag. Please do! :)
Digs up some old recordings of talking to self on psychological and phylosophical topics. I very much enjoy talking to myself and trying to cover every aspect of a certain subject.
I think I might have something to post indeed :3
Maybe not as scientifically backed as your articles, but something to make you think for sure ^^