This topic is special topic to show the world what REI theory is capable of. The story goes like that; someday the author of REI theory met with the friend of him, who asked him, if he can “cure” the dyslexia. The author however did not know what this dyslexia disorder is. He learns himself about the disorder and connected it, what may happen between those three minds. It instantly figure out, what mind is using a dyslexic for reading.
As we have already learn in one of the previous topics, the most appropriate mind for reading is Reason. He is capable of compositioning the words with reading letter by letter. By dyslexics occurs that the reading is taken over by Emotion, the less appropriate mental processor. So this means that the dyslexia can occur by those who are having the Emotion in leading position. Those are the characters in the second line as well as the first and third character in fourth row (see Table 1).
Emotion can assign phonemes to individual letters, but does not assemble phonemes into words. At this point a problem sets in, because the mind has to memorize a large number of compositions (words, at least 800), instead of few letters of the alphabet. If we understand Emotions thought processing, we can see where the dyslexic problems occur. Emotion only remembers the root of a word without any prefixes and endings, because of his simplifying process. This means the Emotion recognize only pictures. As he reads the word that he does not recognize, he delays and tries to guess the word. It happens that it recognize the root word, but it guesses the ending of it. The second thing is that if he does not recognize the words he tries with guessing it or turning it around. The Emotion sees a letters from all directions so it happens a lot of times that he replaces d with b or p with q. He has also the problems with the letters that look the same from the left and back side. There are of course the trigger words which can easily separate the dyslexic from a kid that reads with a Reason. These words are why, how, but, however, be. Lot of kids overcome the problem with reading with a great deal of effort, but some number of dyslexic never learn to read. This is the method that totally eliminates the dyslexia when properly used.
There are 7 stages:
- The first stage is learning double symbols. In this stage the dyslexic learns reading of the letters with his parallel number. The dyslexic turns the pieces of papers on which are the letters and learns them to read with the numbers. A = 1, B = 2, and so on. Both upper and lower case. See Table 2.
- The second stage is for strengthening the knowledge of symbols. In this stage the dyslexic learns spell out the tows with mixed letters and numbers. It spells them only with letter.
- The stage three is adding up letters. It prevents that the dyslexic would recognize the word as a picture. So he must recognize which letter represents which number and sum them up.
- The stage four is identifying of the meaning of the word. This task prevents also the dyslexic to recognize the word as a picture because the words are here composed out of mixed numbers and letters.
- The stage five is most important stage of REI theory. It teaches the dyslexic reading only with Reason. In this process all of the dyslexic no matter how old they are, are starting reading from the beginning. In this stage it is very important that the dyslexic does not come by with other texts, because this gives the Emotion opportunity to get better at his way of reading.
- The stage six is the next step of reading. To prevent that the Emotion starts again with reading on his own, this stage concentrates on the reading of the nonsense words. Emotion cannot connect these words with any picture, but also strengthen the Reasons in the process of reading.
- The final stage seven. At this stage the dyslexic reads a normal symbols. In this stage with the compliance of the rules there should have not be any problems of reading with the person previous marked as dyslexic.
The whole process of eliminating and course can be found here:
The study REI Method for Elimination of Dyslexia and its description can be found here:
However the author of the REI Method for Elimination of Dyslexia have the method patented, to prevent its reselling, because the method is free of charge for anyone. You can find the whole site primary for the book, which is using the REI theory as a red line, here:
I would like to mention the book [psi] that is also a good knowledge and utility for understanding the REI theory and also to help understand the dyslexic better. But because the book [psi] uses the REI theory with all its power, it was for a last three years the best seller in our country where was born. It represents the true nature of the human and also the most objective behaviour, to accomplish peace and love between mankind. The humanity has departed from its origin nature, and it's time to return the love to humanity. More about the book in one of the following topics.
Read what is the primary mission of REI theory
Read how Instinct, Emotion and Reason were evolved
Read about important attributes of the REI minds
Read description of Theory REI
Read introduction of Theory REI
Hey @tadejbrunsek, I wrote about my personal experience being dyslexic and my recent discovery. I was wondering if you care to leave your opinion on my blog? Let me know what you think. Check it here I hope the read isn't too long or boring ha