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RE: An equitable (fair) educational system

in #psychology8 years ago

Hi jyezie!

The only source that can be found about those theory is [psi] book:

Why is there only a book not a study? The story is as follows: when writer decided to discover what happens during our "falling in love" or "having a crush" and what actually is love, he discovered the three different thinking processors, which of them 2 thinks by themselves. It develops a model, where all three of the processors in our minds, keeps thinking for themselves and one against others. When he, during the 15 years long life and tests that he made, succssessfuly described all three of them, he get a universal formula, which can explain a huge amount of people situation. Including the appearance of for example, dyslexia, tourrete syndrom, stuttering, homosexuality, and many more (I just mentioned the most interesting one, because classic psychology theories does not provide answer to them).

So I will be happy to send you the book, if you let me know your address, because the theory is still very young, but the method for eliminating dyslexia has been already scientifically been proven. Take a look here: You'll find the complete study in this post!
