I have mentioned a few times in posts about how great the human mind is at simulation. I have help this view from very young and have had an active imagination since I can remember. I never had an imaginary friend or pretended to be fighting dragons. I imagined what could happen.
I even remember some of these things from when I was quite young such as: I was maybe seven and was home with my 80 year old Grandad. I am really not sure who was babysitting who. There was an old electricity meter inside that would tick loudly from time to time but this is the first time I really noticed it. To me, it sounded like a bomb timer.
I sat there, my grandad asleep in his chair in front of the fire place, listening to this tick. The trigger could go off at anytime. I should mention, the house I grew up in was a very large, old farm house that is the scariest place I have ever been (And we lived 100 meters from an old cemetery we would play in at night). The stories I have of that place. Where the ticking was coming from was dark and even though there were lights I could have put on, I didn't.
I sat, scared and so still and silent, I could hear my own bones creak. I imagined who put the bomb there and why. I thought about what it would look like as it exploded. I stared at my grandad and felt the agony of losing him, a person I loved, in such a way and then, thought how I would likely be killed also. I thought what it may feel like or whether it would happen so fast it wouldn't feel at all. I thought about what my parents would look like when they saw the house burning and then discovered what had happened. I thought what my siblings would do. I wondered if anyone would miss me.
I then thought, what I could do about the bomb. Maybe I could defuse it by cutting the wires like in the movies. What would happen if I couldn't find something to cut the wires though. I could maybe move it away somewhere safe. I may not make it but my grandad may. What if I woke my grandad as he might know what to do. Maybe I couldn't wake him in time though. It is up to me...
I questioned this way on and on for what must have been an hour while my grandad softly snored in the chair with the worn gold fabric. At some point, the lights from my parents car lit the walls as they entered the long driveway and when they finally walked in and my grandad stirred, my mum asked if everything went okay. And I replied, yes, fine.
But why did I do it? Why didn't I turn on a light. Why imagine such things when there is no need?
This is something I still do. Not only with bombs of course. I trap myself. I put myself in an imaginary situation and keep removing loopholes until there is no way out I observe at each point. The little successes when I find a loophole and the small loss as I remove it again. When I am trapped, no move to make, that is when I am the most aware and the most calm. No more success or failure. Acceptance. This is a meditation I guess. An observing of the self. Some of the scenarios I imagine are horrific beyond belief. Yet, there I am trapped inside.
This is the power of the mind. It can simulate these things without it ever becoming a reality. It can build itself and repair itself with no more than a thought. Or a lack of one as the case may be. Too often, when faced with difficult thinking areas, we look for and take the loopholes. We avoid the psychological discomforts of the mind. We have been trained to do be this way, to find the right answer and then stop and glow in the success and triumph.
As I see it, the world we live in is unpredictable and we never truly know what we will face. We also do not know where the answers to a problem may lay. If it happens to be in a place that we will not even entertain in mental simulation, the chances of us venturing there in the real world drop significantly. Unless forced.
This training stretches my mind, prepares it to move. Just in case. Remaining calm in adversity is a skill and it is one that we should all build as who knows what can happen in the volatility of a lifetime. Sometimes, I think myself a little bit of a freak for doing this kind of activity but at the same time, when there have been situations that have progressed fast, required immediate action and the clearest thinking possible. at those times I am the most calm. I can pull things together and push through fears to do what is necessary. Perhaps it was the training.
Sun Tzu said something about never trapping an enemy into a corner because it is from there that they will fight the hardest. Always leave an easier way out. He also said that when your army has crossed the water you should burn the boats and bridges taking the option of retreat away from your soldiers.
This to me means that I should burn the psychological loopholes so there is no way out, and see what animal lies within. And then I tame that animal and teach it to act on my command.
[ a Steemit original ]
I thought similar things. A lot about what I'd do if a bear decided to break into my house and the same pattern occured: I find a solution and immediately I think "what if it doesn't work" and it goes on and on until I'm left with no escape. I must have thought about these things 100s of times, yet nothing has ever happened :D
I don't think it has made me calmer though.
YET... :P
It has for me. not necessarily because of the solutions, just that I think that if problems arise, I have a chance to have practiced for it. It is kind of like someone taking martial arts lessons, it doesn't actually protect most people from most real world dangers and a motivated attacker.
The power of my mind can scare me sometimes....but yours terrifies me!
lol :)
It isn't so bad.
Hi Taraz. Most of us wouldn't burn the boats and bridges because we don't really go full in. That is too much commitment. I don't have the balls for that and most of us don't. I like to think I am 99 percent committed to what I do but will always have an alternative plan. The alternative plan maybe crap but it is still another option.
I tihnk for the most part, we have been told that thinking the worst is deflating and to always think positively but, I think that we have it a bit confused. Too much positive and we become complacent.
There are actually studies made about visualization of already having what one wants for the future and those that do it make it less likely that they will go through the motions to get it. It demotivates because the mind is a good simulator and makes the body think it already has achieved the goals.
I have read this over and over so as to psychologically set my mind to realise that to do my best means i have to burn bridges and boats of retreat, no taking the easy way out, that i van reach my full potential and truly see what im capable of
Thats so funny. Hmmmmm the world we live in is really unpredictable. Whatever cultural mindset embedded in us should not exactly be taken to heart. This is life and anything can happen.
Most of us have had weird things running in our minds (when we were kids).
How do one prepare for an adversity (when I'm living without one)? I can't imagine being in an adversity even when I try...
The mind is much stronger than where most people push it.
if it is true, there are things that creep into our minds and make us afraid, it is something that terrifies us and prevents us from moving forward. The mind is very powerful and there is no need to be controlled by it. On the contrary, you have to be a great warrior and leader of your own actions do not get carried away by the evil mind, fear is something that prevents us from moving forward and move forward
One of my friends and I discussed something related to this once. He had helped somebody cheat on a test and had been running all of the worst-case scenarios through is mind for if he got caught. He proposed that our minds subconciously run through the worst possibe outcomes to mentally prepare should they occur.
I think he said that he had read a study on this someplace, but I don't remember if he actually said that or if my memory is just bad. I know that I read our memories can fill in gaps with false information based on the circumstances in which we recall them. There was a series of studies done by Elizabeth Loftus at the University of Washington that confirmed this theory on memory.
Anyways, back to the topic at hand.
What you are talking about isn't exactly the same as what my friend spoke of--- you are talking about it as an exercise to broaden ones horizons opposed to coping with stress. I think it's probably the same mechanism that does these things, though, and you just approach it with a different attitude. Maybe your attitude is a result of letting the subconsious preparation play out longer and also forcing it into the conscious mind.
We can exercise our mind for extreme situations, but the true response to stressful stimuli will be seen living them.
The theory is not the same as the practice
The mind, indeed a trickster to the vehicle it lives in. I notice this often in myself and others. The easier we make things for ourselves the less we achieve the greater that would be possible. We use those little loopholes and achieve the lesser of the outcome instead of taking the harder path, the less traveled to achieve the full potential of what we seek.
Fear like I discussed with @galenkp is a thing that does indeed cause panic and panic in dangerous situations kills people. That also applies to many other areas where it can kill us professionally, financially, emotionally and mentally.
You think you're a freak and it seems by some of the comments below that your mine field of brain training also scares some others, but the mind is the most powerful weapon we have, will it work for us or against us? Up to us really isn't it?
The loophole is the initial "what if" speculation and imagination, or the subsequent imagination to find a solution to the first thing? hehe
The part about trapping an enemy made me think of chess, and how you can't win if there is only a king that is trapped and can't make moved... which is illogical, because you could just kill the king in reality but not in chess...
Wonderful post, I'm so glad someone has written an article on this, Thanks for sharing with us...
So funny