Men joke that women can’t parallel-park, women say men have all the emotional intelligence of a plank of wood... and so it goes on. Let's be honest, No one has ever said the studies of brain are from Male brain or female brain, but science respectfully says it's a human brain..Though we both sexes are dimorphic..People have tried to research on this gender biased theme but trust me even they don't know who is superior.Just have an example here, Most of the Nobel prize winners are Men, so does that make them any superior, i would say NO NO and yea one more thing it's said that Human race have evolved , it's ancestors being the chimps, I mean chimpanzee,through that thought Man seriously look like chimpanzee's and we all Men somehow know that.. It takes one woman twenty years to make a man of her son and another woman twenty minutes to make a fool of him, these are societal experiences (just meant for laughter). Beautiful word is derived and meant for Women only, can't be used for Man..Noway...Mothers, this word should put end to this debate, Even if as a Man I think I am better but everytime my mother makes me feel how small I am, Null & void i am, absolute zero, no existence.The strength of humanity lies in its diversity. By pitting ‘men’ and ‘women’ against each other and by forcing everyone to pick a side, that strength is threatened.
‘We’ aren’t men and women. We are human beings. Society is formed by our individual characteristics.N o Man is superior over Woman neither is Woman..They are just beautiful creatures made by God...
Perfect. <3
Yea :)