Daylight savings time causes multiple personality disorder.

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

Daylight savings time is something that was established to try to curb electricity usage by hopefully encouraging peope to use less electricity due to longer daylight hours. This has been studied and is shown to not work the way it was designed to work, people use the same amount of electricity. So why is it still being used? I have an idea, for control by causing split personalities in the population.

It has been shown that the stress of daylights savings time causes issues in the human. Studies have recently shown that judges actually make harsher sentences a week or so after the switch, which correlates to a hard time adjusting, to which i'm sure there are other studies showing this as well. When a routine is thrown off a person is thrown off as well. This change also promotes a different viewpoint of perspective relating to time which is different half of the year. It is darker earlier in winter and light longer in the summer. This would cause a person to essentially form two different personalities in a sense when swinging back and forth between the two modes of time.

So why does this matter? The reason i'm bringing this up is due to what i'm seeing within society, the big game being played. It seems like at every turn multiple personalitie disorders are being encouraged. Take voting for example, usually all the canindates have valid points on issuess yet we are told to choose one side or the other. What this does is it splits our personalities because one side of us knows that one persons side is right while also knowing the other side is correct as well, but we only choose one. This can also be shown when people use the tactic of "killing with kindness". What this does to someone is it makes the person being attacked feel as though they are being attacked and not being attacked at the same time, it splits the personalities. This killing with kindness seems to have become the norm with many people as a form of attack, but killing with kindness is still murder. There are many more examples of this split personality persuasions occuring that could be listed, it seems to be everywhere, from music to television to shopping to conversation.

When a persons personalities are split this allows for control by the placement of doubt and fear which slides the scales from one side to the other, allowing those in power to sway the population towards whichever personality they would like to be promoted. They sway the masses by keeping them in a state of limbo, providing half truths which people buy into due to the sways when the whole truth is that most always both sides are correct to a certain degree.

I think that the only reason we still are using daylights savings time is so that this control psychology is kept over the masses, throwing off stability in order to allow for the implementation of different agendas with most people not being aware of what is occuring. It would be sensible to be to get rid of this detrimental time change by now and the only reason i can see for it still being used is not for less electricity consumption but for a lessened stability in the peoples minds to keep all numb and dumb and split apart, never finding their true selves, always being lost and therefore swayed. Call me paranoid but it is what i see. A sensible society would make sense.

Thank you for your time.