The Psychology Of Why We Hate Clowns!

in #psychology8 years ago

Even with all of the global tension, political tension, racial tension, and every other fucked up thing in the world, the one thing we all agree on is...



For years Hollywood has played on our "Coulrophobia" (yes there is actual term for our fear of clowns).

Movies like "It," "Poltergeist," and "Killer Clowns from Outer Space" have burned the red nose monsters into our collective psyches.

Even at places where clowns are supposed to be "liked" like the circus, they receive little love from the crowd.

But the real question is:

"When did clowns go from slap-stick entertainers to menacing figures of fear?"

Well we might have a few answers for this.


Clowns are suppose to be funny. That's what they're there to do. But there is something about their non-stop cackling that freaks us the hell out.

Psychologically, humans know that we go through a variety of emotions on an hourly basis. And for damn sure, happiness is not an emotional state we are always in.

Not only are clowns always laughing, but they have a resting, unnerving smile on their face. This places distrust in us because we know this isn't the way a "normal" person behaves.

The other thing about non-stop laughing and smiling is that it quickly crosses the line from funny and welcoming, to creepy and scary with a slight shift of the eyebrows.


Clowns for all intent and purposes are entertainment for children. Most of them are hired out for birthday parties and such. So their performances are based on very "physical" comedy.

But it's that "in your face," jerky, spastic movement that comes across as threatening; like they are "coming to get you!"

Then there's the weird, high pitch in their voice, which becomes more ghoulish the more "excited" they become!


We live in scary times with scary people. We have for a long time now. Pedophiles have gone up in numbers. Rapist have gone up in numbers. Yadda Yadda Yadda... you get the point.

And if you were to believe unverified media sources, than you've probably heard that a lot of these "clown gigs" get passed off to ex-cons and felons.

Now whether this is true, I don't know. There might be some truth to it. But that's thing, it doesn't matter cause we already have it in our heads that this is happening.

It's the unknown of who these people are that bring forth the worst, scary images.


Personally, I thought after doing my research and writing this article that I would change my views. But nope. I still hate clowns. It's a phobia that I probably won't get over in this lifetime.

But maybe this helped you at least understand why you hate them too. And if you are walking home at night and you see one standing across the street holding balloons... run like hell!


I love this clown

He's the exception.

I don't know when this fear of clowns became a phenomenon, but I'm pretty sure Pennywise's got something to do with it..

He could definitely be the catalyst!