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RE: Psychology Addict # 29 |The Architecture of Sustainable Happiness – Positive Psychology

in #psychology7 years ago

Finally, there is family, an element in life that can prompt both happiness and unhappiness from time to time.

Yeah. I concur. Family is everything, they say. However, part of it we have the good and bad actions they might have done intentionally or not.
Concerning forgiveness, recently I had someone that paid back good with bad, I felt very disappointed, heartbroken but not downcasted. However, I immediately waved it from my mind and relate with the person again on a more lower level than before anyways. Anytime that incident crosses my mind, I immediately diffuse it from my mind and focus on something else. I have forgiven the fellow and I am glad I did. Because I no longer harbour such grudges. Thank you for your wonderful post as always.


Hello Dear @turpsy

I think the same could be said about close friends Turspy. But I haven't seen any research on that :P

I am sorry to hear you have been trough such disappointment really. Sometimes, it feels as if life doesn't give a break! But, I am truly glad to hear you have been able to manage your frustration towards the person in a healthy way. Also, thank you for sharing with us your strategy for dealing with it. Forgiving and focusing on something else, that is positive is a truly healthy practice for your mental well-being!

All the best to you my dear.

Thank you. Igualmente.