For those that have never explored psychedelic chemicals and/or plant-life, the impressions gleaned from others (especially those twisted by media groups and scientific/government/military minds) can seem terrifying. Tales of lost personalities and claims of 'mental disturbance' that last way beyond the initial experiences are often labeled as problems rather than opportunities. Some 'spiritual gurus' have further confused the situation by making such claims as 'the ego is false' and 'must be destroyed', which are among a variety of false beliefs that those seeking healing may encounter and attempt to adopt as they seek to come to balance following difficult experiences - whether those experiences involved drugs or not.
I desire here to add my own explorations to the record of human exploration by beginning with the following ideas:
- 'Ego' has been mis-represented and confused on earth. Presently I recognise ego as 'sense of self' / 'beingness'. I recognise 'personality' as 'what has been created during evolution and life'. So 'ego' is 'being', while 'personality' is more 'the result of doing & choosing'.
- The ego is not bad.
- The ego does not need to be destroyed.
- The personality structures that we create in us are often created to contain lies, deception, denial (of truth, pain, emotion and other types); thus our ego is commonly imbalanced and dis-eased.
- Those who attach to their personality as a defense or due to believing that their personality is 'who they are', rather than remaining conscious of their own true nature as 'originator' of the personality, are temporarily lost from truth and generate further errors, while presenting them as fact.
- Those who are immersed in denial and confusion will fight long and hard to defend their positions while remaining (deliberately) ignorant to their own deceptions and 'intent to miss/deny truth'.
- Those who are in denial of truth, may then deny that they are in denial of truth, adding massively to the potential layers of deception that can arise and be added 'into the pot' of consciousness and daily experience.
- Some of those who sought to escape these traps became known as 'gurus' and became caught in further traps due to the way that existing belief systems have become embedded in the group 'un'-conscious without fully clearing their own minds first. They sought 'refuge' in the hierarchic mindset, receiving gifts and admiration of others without fully realising their own liberation.
- Much of the trauma and shock experiences after psychedelic journeys arise dues to realisation of deep truths and revealing of the extent of the denial of us and those around us (a rapid 'waking up') and is not a direct effect of the drugs. To the minds of those observing (who have not awakened to their own deceptions and subterfuge) these reflections of emotional honesty in a sea of dishonesty are often labeled as 'troubling' and 'too disturbing' and so projections are made that 'the drugs must be dangerous' when really the intent is to avoid the extent of our collective emotional dishonesty and also to deny that they are avoiding the dishonesty.
- Drugs are actually not needed at all to heal and liberate ourselves, yet the creation of arbitrary rules (illegality) does not serve at all. We need to be free to express with or without these compounds, without threat of attacks from alleged 'voices of authority' within the medical world or judiciary.
- There is great love for all of us and most likely in all/most of us, that needs to be embodied for our successful awakening to truth, survival and joy. Compassion, truth and love are what we seek - whether we have realised this yet or not; the drugs are merely signposts of a chemical nature, that can nudge us to think differently - they are powerless without us.
- To heal imbalances that arise post 'tripping' (and in any moment), we need to feel our body fully and heal any splits between the mind, body, soul and heart. These splits manifest as 'sub-consciousness' and are healed with total self acceptance replacing external projections and intents to deny or disconnect from parts/aspects of self.
- All stigmas about use of drugs and self must be released, they only serve to reinforce the idea that we are 'wrong'/'bad' and these damaging ideas are the real cause of much of the traumas.
- Innocence is our natural state/condition. Guilt is the result of blame, denial of true self/feelings, errors in logic and the resulting confusion.
So with these ideas in mind and with a heart that is in communication with a living will that feels; the experiences of many who have been labeled as 'psychotic' after exploring with LSD (and/or others chemicals) can be seen to be results of unnecessary 'forcing' open aspects of self (creating a kind of 'psychic shock'), mixed with the revealing of issues which already existed with or without the chemical 'tools' being present. We are, after-all, living with vast numbers of groups and individuals on planet who have differing beliefs, errors, truths and intents; so reaching agreements about what is functional and what is dysfunctional has so far not been common, even for the most important questions in life. Therefore, our paranoia, phobias, unprocessed emotions and low levels of compassion and love provide massive potential for further triggering and abuses by those who maintain the belief/thought/behavior patterns that suppress and deny truths; often in the name of * insert establishment organisation, philosophy or religion here *.
Real Healing
The path to healing and genuine loving enlightenment requires the recognition of the truth of the causality of suffering and the allowance for its ending and in that there must be the realisation of our errors and the injustices we ourselves have caused, believing we were 'righteous' and 'doing the right thing'. Those who have suffered in prison cells or worse for simply ingesting plants or laboratory synthesized chemicals are among those to whom society owes a huge apology and I, for one, desire a rapid realisation of these truths by all. The stakes are much higher than almost anyone has yet realised.
These Grannies Should Help the Fearful Reconsider about Cannabis' Effects!
May we all know unconditional love and live truth.
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You've raised some very interesting points here. I have watched and seen many a guru talk about loosing the ego and never quite understood it. Yes I get the non material live ect but loosing the ego I've never seen as possible. This I presumed meant I was not ready. But on reflection I kind of like my ego it motivates me to achieve my grand plan (posts to come on this dreckly), I agree you need to learn to control it a lot but wipe it out no. To me its your nature driving you. Thank you for this post a breath of fresh air.
As for the drugs, I think there has to be the right time. I don't partake now but never had a really bad trip or experience. I made sure I was in the right frame of mind and always kept in my head it was a trip and would ware off in a few hours at most. The media and powers that be portray a negative element and this gets into peoples subconscious creating the bad experience. Some of my greatness thoughts and realizations about myself were through drugs.
You are welcome! The literal meaning of the word 'Ego' is simply 'I' in Latin - The self. It is possible to get stuck living with an IDEA of self and thus to be living a kind of false reality and created false version of self and I understand that it is of value to clear out this false version - which is, I feel, where some of the original ideas about removing ego come from. However, the real ego is a requirement of being an individual and is quite balanced and healthy. Real ego comes from love in actuality.
Well put, just clears up a lot of my thoughts and miss connections with teaching I have view. Much appreciated :)
You are welcome!
Some great ideas and insights here indeed. The stigmas that have developed through the years around these powerful medicines have kept many from finding some relief through their unparalleled healing capabilities. Thank you for this!
You are welcome! I followed you for the heaven of it ;)
I have got to get my grandma some cannabis.
hehe - fun for all the family!
click here!This post received a 2.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ura-soul! For more information,
This blog is definitely a personal opinion. To be, is to clear the ego. Ego gets in the way of reaching a new level of consciousness which is the purpose of life. Ego doesn't allow unconditional love or over-standing to take place because it's too busy trying to be correct, or win. I don't look at this post negatively. We are all searching for truth. We all must begin somewhere. Let's connect and share ideals. We can learn from each other. Blessed light
Thankyou for commenting.I absolutely disagree with you here and so too does higher self. Ego is simply the part of you who knows who you are. Without ego you are unable to identify where you, the individualised being begins. Ego is not the problem, it is imbalance in the ego that is the problem. Unconditional love is in no way blocked by a balanced ego.