Passion Is Over Rated.
Here's why for me. You can take your passion, like i did for vintage. 18 years ago, I made it into my full time job. I loved it, I still love it. BUT when the passion becomes your business, your livelihood, the center of your world at home and outside the home? Sometimes passion flys out the window. I want to punch passion in the face. It's pretty amazing I made it this far without wanting to punch it. But there are days I will be happy when it's not my full time job and I can enjoy it again!
Haha, perhaps sometimes it's good to keep passion as passion, hobbies as hobbies, work as work. At least will have our escapes, eh?
You have to find other passions. Can I make money gardening? Me personally, NO. So there ya go, I've got my passion that is my job and another side hobby passion ;)
Well, you can write about gardening on Steemit and make money ;)
So true!! Oh great, thanks. Another passion gone... ;)